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The energy in the room was contagious, and the excitement heightened the overall anticipation for the evening ahead. The hot summer evening made us sweaty as I and Sage were in the bathroom getting ready for another party. I Ain't Worried 'bout It by OneRepublic was playing while we sang along to it. The air conditioning was cooling us perfectly. Sage blow-dried her hair and I just let mine be wild and free. We were very excited about tonight's party. I had a white cotton dress and Sage had a pink satin dress.

"Hey", Mila came into the room smiling widely. "Hey", me and Sage answered. "I'm gonna leave now, we're going to a party with Matilda so...have fun and good luck you guys!", she screamed and hugged us. "Good luck to you too!", I screamed and winked. She burst out a laugh and left the room.

I added golden earrings and gave a few final touches. Sage's phone buzzed.

from Nicco: I'm here

We saw Nicco's dark blue Mini rolling in the yard. We picked up our phones and bags and ran to the car. Nicco got out of the car and kissed Sage. I was a little uncomfortable and got in the car. Sage sat next to Nicco in the front seat. Nicco was playing some underground rap, probably just to make us think that he wouldn't be so lame and basic.

I noticed Nicco moving his hand to Sage's thigh, making me immediately turn my head to look out of the window, not wanting to know what was going on in the front seat.

The car pulled up next to a house, which I recognized. Elias' house. I got out of the car and made sure my dress was sitting nicely. I got more and more anxious. The pictures from the first time I was in that house and from the brunch took over my mind. I sighed it off. I and Sage, with Nicco on her other hand, walked into the house.

Sage greeted a few people that I didn't know and I just followed her. I was leaning on a table with a drink in my hand when I started to look around. I looked to the dining room where I saw Elias. With a girl. And not just any girl. His ex-girlfriend. Well...girlfriend. She was beautiful and attractive. I can understand why they dated. They were both smiling and joking around. That really hurt me.

I turned around trying to distract myself. I fell into my dreamland. I dissociated. He was there, in the room next to me, with his ex-girlfriend...laughing...joking.

Why did I do this? I should've never fallen for him. He never cared. I was never his first option. He never asked how my days were, he rarely texted me if we didn't see each other. He never asked what did I eat today. He never took me on a date.

I can't help but feel bad. I feel like I wasn't enough. Like that, his ex-girlfriend is better than me. I can't stop spiralling. Fuck.

Thank god, Sage poked me and I fell back to reality. "Hey, you okay?" Sage asked scrunching her eyebrows together. I just shook my head trying to clear it and said: "Yeah, don't worry". Sage nodded and turned back to talk with her friends.

We ended up playing beer pong with Sages' friends. I'm really introverted so I always felt a little left out in a big group. It always succeeded in making me sad. Sage dragged Nicco to play with us. And who comes with Nicco? Elias. And his ex. I avoided looking at them and Elias avoided looking at me also.

After a few rounds, it was the final round, Sage vs. Nicco. Nicco threw the ping pong ball, not landing on a cup which made our team cheer. Then it was Sage's turn. She stood there for a while trying to prepare herself and finally threw the ball, which landed on the cup that was left. Our team started screaming and jumping and all hugged Sage.

After a while, when we started round two, I went next to Elias. I was feeling bold. Maybe the vodka has something to do with that. I looked at him and said "Hey".

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