School's out

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The start of the summer holidays is like a breath of fresh air after a long winter. It's a moment of freedom, where the weight of responsibilities and routines begins to lift. The sun's warm rays poured through the windows.

As I sat in the classroom, the anticipation of the summer holiday filled the air. Everyone eagerly counted down the minutes until freedom. Sitting in the last row of the classroom, I was watching the clock moving second by second closer to 2 pm. The ticking of the clock on the wall seemed louder than ever. I tapped my foot gently on the floor making a little sound with my white Veja sneakers. I leaned back on my wooden chair and lifted my caramel brown hair away from my neck and let out a big sigh of frustration.

There, amidst the sea of students, sat the guy. My heart raced and my palms grew clammy. Every movement he made seemed to captivate the room. I couldn't help but steal glances in his direction, trying to savour the last moments before vacation without being too obvious. My eyes would wander, tracing the contours of his face, the way his light brown hair fell just right. I didn't want to take my eyes off him.

As didn't other girls also.

I have a secret.

I used to have a crush on him at the start of the school year, but not anymore since he has a girlfriend. Or had. I'm not sure. At one point he did find out that I had a crush on him because his friend heard me and my school friend talking about him.

He didn't react in any way, so the whole thing just faded away.

The teacher's voice usually met with attentive ears, became a distant hum as thoughts of summer fun consumed my mind. The textbooks and notebooks laid abandoned on our desks.

As I glanced out the window, the clock finally struck the last period of the day, marking the beginning of our long-awaited vacation. A collective sigh of relief and cheers filled the room, drowning out the teacher's voice.

As I made my way out of the classroom, the familiar sound of lockers slamming shut echoed in the hallway. The school's hallways buzzed with the energy of freedom, as students rushed to embrace the joys of summertime. And with each step I took, I couldn't help but smile, knowing that the classroom would soon fade into memory. The feeling of pure freedom was something remarkable. New possibilities. New chapter. Everything was wide open. That's what I had been craving for.

After opening the locker door for the last time in a while, I grabbed the rest of my belongings and shoved them into my tote bag. As I closed the locker door, my eyes caught the boy from my class. It always flutters your stomach when you see your hallway crush. Anticipation, nervousness, and delight filled the air. He turned to walk down the stairs as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. I followed his tall figure down the stairs watching him closely.

I tried to remain composed, ensuring my actions appeared natural, despite the excitement bubbling within me. My heart pounded with each passing second. As we neared the exit, the sun's warm rays greeted us, casting a golden glow upon the scene. I stole one last glance at my crush, his presence captivating my attention. We parted ways, each heading toward our paths.

I was walking down the street, thinking about that guy. I shouldn't care about him. Anyways, I won't see him until the next semester. Oh, maybe he was texting with his girlfriend. I saw her Instagram.

I don't like to call it "stalking", I'd say I did "research".

She's stunning, I can't deny it. That blonde hair, bright blue eyes, slick back ponytail, curvy body.

A girl who dresses to show skin. Everything that teenage boys love.

But I'm not into teenage BOYS, I'm only dating older MEN.

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