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Tw: Mentions of murder and betrayal


Song: "Agoraphobia" BY CORPSE


The memory of all the things people had done to him burned fresh in Tommy's mind. All the betrayal, false friends, death; every detail had been branded into his soul like a hot iron clamped around his skin. He'd flinch every time he'd see a flash of pink, or even worse: a smiley face.

'You're so mature for your age!' They'd say when seeing his way of walking and stony features. Tommy would resist the urge to laugh in their face and walk away. Of course he's mature for his age. What kid do you know that fought in a war before they were even teenagers? 

His only oasis was you. Tommy didn't know if he would still be as sane as he was if it wasn't for you. Meeting you in Las Nevadas a couple months ago was a godsend in his mind. He would celebrate the moment that he tripped into you on that street till the day he died.

You were his break. His breath of fresh air to get away from all the murders and loneliness. The depression and anxiety. All of that melted away and evaporated into a mist that would tickle his skin when he met eyes with your sparkling iris's. 

And even so. He wasn't always the one to seek you out; to try and initiate the conversations like most of the (toxic) relationships in his life. Tommy could come home any random day of the week to you sleeping upside down on his couch (how you do that he still has no idea) and cookie crumbs littering the side of your mouth. He'd just try to contain his boisterous laughter before grabbing the fuzziest of blankets to cover you with.

No matter how much he told himself that he was a big man that only needed himself, Tommy still found room in his broken heart to fit you. To fit your terrible puns and amazing music taste. To fit your strange bait of making red and white flower crowns and how you would threaten to go cuss out Dream anytime he's brought up. 

No matter how much Tommy told himself he was the biggest man of them all, the blonde boy still ended up sleeping on the floor next to you just to make sure you were there when he woke up.


I love Tommy so much. cc! and c!. Man's is my comfort streamer and his character deserved better from the start.

No matter how much I simp for c!Wilbur, Tommy does and still does not deserve that horrible person.

435 words


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