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"Keyboard Love"


Tw: None

Notes: Some fucking fluff let's goooo

Song: "Your New Boyfriend" By Wilbur Soot


This was nerve-racking.

Tubbo was currently sitting in the worn leather seats in his car, bouncing his knee up and down nervously. The brown hair teenager fiddled with his hands while taking calming breaths that did nothing to ease the nervous ball of emotions in his gut. It felt like a combination of soupy dread and butterflies. No, more like the butterflies were drowning in the soup. Yeah...that's it.

He looked out the window of his car at a large yellow and blue sign that blared into his eyes violently. It read 'Best Buy' with the most bolded font that the company could possibly find. Tubbo studied it meticulously in an attempt to stall. But to no avail. The feeling of apprehension stuck to him like fly-paper.

He finally took a deep breath and clenched his hand into a tight fist.

"Okay. You can do this." He whispered strongly. Tubbo held his head high as he opened the shiny car door. Jumping out with a false air of confidence, he locked his car before strolling up to the obnoxious blue building. Maybe if he acted like he knew what he was doing, he could fool himself as well as others.

The doors opened with a familiar ding, the sound of stereotypical watered down store music meeting his ears. Tubbo glanced around the bright white and tan store for a second before snapping his eyes back to the front. There wasn't really a point in looking around anymore. He practically showed up here every week.

Scratch that, he did show up here every week. But for a good reason.

Walking up to the closest help desk that was positioned by the glass double doors he had just come through, Tubbo rang the rusty little bell they had resting on the marble surface. It took a second for anyone to show up, but when they did he was ready.

"Yeah? How can I help- oh. It's you again."

A girl with shining eyes and messy hair had appeared from the back. She stuck her head around with a perfect customer service smile at first, but when she saw Tubbo it instantly melted into more of a genuine one.

She had on the standard Best Buy uniform with a name tag reading "Hi! My Name Is: (Y/n)!' Her name was surrounded by doodles and smiley faces. But from the looks of her stained overalls underneath it, she would much rather be wearing something else besides the store's apron.

Tubbo looked up at her face with a sort of glow to him, trying not to look like a weirdo by smiling too hard. He immediately dived into a little speech, sounding like he had practiced this a couple of times.

"I've been having some trouble with my keyboard lights and I was hoping you could tell me how to fix that." Tubbo cleared his throat, trying to silently will his voice not to crack. (Y/n) emerged fully from behind the doorframe she had been peeking out of, waltzing up to the counter while rubbing her hands together with a misheviosu smile. The grin was one of someone who had worked around mechanics much before. You could tell by the permanent looking grease and oil stains on her hands that she was perfectly fine with getting her hands dirty too look at a piece of machinery.

"Sure! What model did you buy, or do you not know?" She asked, blowing a strand of frayed hair out of her mouth with a string huff. By the looks of her newly calloused hands and popping joints, she had been stocking something in the back for quite a bit.

"Im, er, not exactly sure. It had a lot of fancy fonts on the manual and that was kind of hard to read." He mumbled that last part. Dyslexia wasn't the most convenient thing to have. But (Y/n) just nodded her head as if to say 'I know how you feel man'.

"Sure. That happens to me all the time dude. I can give you some tips on how to get it back up and running, but they're going to be a bit more vague since I don't know the exact model we're working with.. I mean, you could always buy another keyboard, but that's really expensive." She weighed the two options out for him. Tubbo nodded quickly, not really caring. He could afford to buy another keyboard with how well his streams have been picking up lately, but that isn't the point.

In fact, his keyboard isn't actually broken. Tubbo just needed a new excuse to come and see the worker this week.

"Okay." (Y/n) jumped right into it, rambling about the latest chip designs, color types, cracked codes, and all sorts of things Tubbo had trouble keeping up with. They leaned on the counter nonchalauntly while talking up a storm. It almost seemed impossible that a person could get out that many words a minute.

By the end of it, his head was spinning.

"That sounds great. I'll be sure to try and look at all that when I get home." He lied with a shaky smile. (Y/n) smiled too, but she looked like she was hiding something from him.( In a good sort of way of course.)

"Look, I'm not really supposed to do this, but I can give you my number in case you need to talk to me outside my job. With how much you end up coming here, I think you might need it." She said with a small laugh. Tubbo fell silent, watching as she reached for a fat marker to scribble some random number on a slip of scrap paper.

"Y-yeah, That, um, that sounds great." He squeaked. She snickered, sliding the paper over after a second.

He picked it up gingerly, like the material might disintegrate if he clutched it too hard. Tubbo went a little red as he tossed a wordless wave in the air. He spun on his heel, walking off with red cheeks.

That had gone better than he expected. Tubbo never even thought he would get that far, but who was he to say anything? The boy should have expected such a sweet and caring girl as herself to offer such a thing.

Practically throwing himself back into his car with a beaming smile, Tubbo snagged the strip of thin paper from his pocket. Inspecting the writing like an angel themself had written it, Tubbo happened to notice the faint outline of more black marker seeping in from the back. Turning over the item with a curious gaze, he read the message on the flip side.

You don't have to keep pretending that something is wrong with your Pc. Just call me dude. I think you're pretty handsome too :)

Tubbo's mouth dropped open in embarrassment. She had known this entire time?!?

He looked like the equivalent to a tomato right now, the tips of his hear heating up in a vibrant red you would have been a fool to miss.

With the feeling of embarrassment slowly becoming overpowered with a sense of admiration, Tubbo let loose a sickly sweet smile at this new discovery.

Needless to say, his contact list already had a new edition by the time he'd pulled out of the parking lot.


Two updates in one fucking day lets goooooooo

I feel so good about myself right now. Also, ummm, take care of yourself please. I'll shank your ass with a spoon if you dont <3

Please dont cry mate. I love you, if that helps at all

Have a day as wonderfull as yourself. If I need to beat anyone up for you, just tell me :D

This isnt edited as of right now by the way. So excuse any shitty grammer and spelling errors please

1326 words


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