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Tw: None

Notes: The only Dream one shot I'll probably ever do lmao. I just dont see him (or Gogy, or Sapnap) like that. Sorry

Song: "Rebels" By Call Me Karizma

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Dream twirled his axe in his hand, which took quite a bit of effort. With an upwards tilt of his lips, the man brought down the shiny metal on the wood below him. It split into two mahogany halves, splintering as it went. The axe had cut through it like soft butter and a hot knife. Meanwhile, you sat next to him with your crossbow while playing with the hem of your shirt. It was obvious that you were bored. 

 "Dream, when are we going to get to kill something again?" You spoke up after a minute of your 6'1 commpany cutting more wood. He barely glanced over at you to respond, instead focusing on his task at hand. 

 "Soon." His voice was strained with the labour of his current task, muscles pulling at the green fabric of his rolled-up hoodie sleeves. But you didn't care. Your eyes continued to gleam with blood lust as you thought about plunging a sword into soft unprotected flesh. It had been a while since you had spilt that lovely red liquid upon mother Gaea's soils, and it was tearing you apart from the inside. 

 Dream knew for a fact since the beginning that having you on his side was dangerous, considering your past record of unrelenting havock in the SMP. But there were defiantly some plusses. He rarley had to watch his back for major threats anymore, and you made great brownies. But brownies could only keep the masked man at bay for so long. 

 Dream looked up from his large pile of hacked wood to steal a glance at you and your distracted state. The way you watched a bird fly above your head in the air with sharp calculating eyes nearly sent chills down his spine. 

Everything you did was perfectly planned so that way you came out on top. Even if for the better or worse of those working with you. 

 He felt his emerald green eyes harden with determination behind the ceramic mask of his. In Dreams experience, he was the only mastermind that could be around these parts. You were smart. Perhaps too smart for your own good... 


 He had to do it tonight.

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Finals are almost here and I am going to tear my hair out. Sorry for the tiny snippet of a chapter by the way. I just haven't been feeling it that much lately. Plenty of ideas, zero motivation.

More of an imagine than a one shot. Oh well

Drink water my children <3

Edit: I realized halfway through that I mead this a diffrent perspective than the rest of the book. Im too lazy to chang it though ahhhhhh-

493 words


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