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"An Icy Friend"


Tw: None

Notes: Here's a more domestic and cute one shot instead of all this spice I've been dishing out haha! Also, Beep is now my official co-author. Hi Beep! [waves]

Song: "Walking In A Winter Wonderland" By Micheal Buble


(Y/n) loved her country.

It was a warm place filled to the brim with rolling hills. Patches of flowers would blanket it in the springtime; bringing a warm bubbly feeling to sprout in all of the L'manburgian's chests.

Yet at the same time, Winter was just as majestic as the summer. Twinkling snow banks and bright smiles filled the crisp air as sun hats were shed and fluffy jackets emerged from the back of closets. It's safe to say that there was never a sad moment in the newfoundland.

But the place wasn't only pretty in the sense of its landscape.The city itself was surrounded by a shroud of alluring mystery; bringing joy and curiosity in its wake. Myths and fantasy figures roamed the legends of L'manburg and its people. Most of the thousand year old tales ended up as a children's bedtime story or fun jokes to tell in the pub at night. Only a few still believed in the ancient figurehead that played the stars of these legends.

But after all, isn't believing all it comes down to?


The walk from (Y/n)'s home to L'manburg was a short one, only passing a building or two, but something always managed to go wrong. Whether it be a cat scratches her or she spills her drink, every day, without fail, her day is messed up.

The days where the incidents were smaller (say, only a scraped knee or two) always managed to be the ones she knew would be good. I mean, being the president of L'manburg meant you wanted a lot of good days, which unfortunately were rare for (Y/n).

One day however, during the middle of December, (Y/n) woke up to snow. Now- living near L'manburg where things tended to be warmer, the snow they got was usually just slosh or an ashy colored powder substance. So actual, white and fluffy snow was a shock.

It had prompted the young woman to hop out of her bed as soon as possible to throw on a warm jacket, some pants instead of her sleep shorts, and a long decorated scarf. (The scarf had been a present from one of her cabinet members and good friends- Quackity)

She was meant to have a meeting with Eret over some secret they wanted to tell her this morning, but it was snowing!! (Y/n) was sure Eret would understand their excitement; along with the need to skip out on a conference.

And so the snow day began.

(Y/n) ran outside, positively laughing in excitement at the cold weather. This would be her first time seeing snow in years. She laughed and ran to go find Tommy and Tubbo, the kids who were a part of L'manburg under her command.

Nearly everyone knew the special bond (Y/n) and those boys had. It was similar to the relationship a sister had with their younger brothers.

(Y/n) was constantly seen standing up for the two inside and out of her office position. And vice versa- though Tommy tried to hide his affectionate displays more than Tubbo.

But back to (Y/n).

While trying to run over to Tubbo's house, a cold gust of wind blew through (Y/n), and she stopped to shiver for a moment. Looking around at the trees, it seemed like the wind only affected her. She let out a shrug, stranger things have happened in this server after all, and continued to her destination, this time walking.

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