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Quackity, Raboo, Tubbo, Michael

Tw: Fainting

Notes: Welcome to another chapter created by both Beep and me. I'm thinking of inviting them to be my co-author but shhhhh. It's a surprise :D (Also this is a platonic one-shot)

Song: "Russian" By Caravan Palace


Almost everyone knew Michael, Tubbo and Ranboo's adopted son. It was kind of hard not to after all. They were considered the perfect family to most people, some even envying the odd pair. Who people didn't know about however was (Y/n).

If you had asked any regular person walking through the streets of Snowchester, they'd look at you strangely before heading on without so much as another glance.

The young girl who couldn't be any older than 5 was found by the husbands on the coldest day of the year around Christmas time.

She had been leaning against a tree, her blue dry lips were cracked and bleeding from the cold, her skin pale with a small hint of blue underneath. It was a miracle she survived, but since that day she had been able to handle any cold temperatures. The tundra seemed like the perfect place for her, the snow allowing her to play outside like any child should.

Unfortunately there was always a downside. She couldn't handle the heat well.

It always managed to make her feel woozy and uncomfortable, even if it was just a normal summer's day. Shorts, sandals, and a t-shirt were almost always a must; as was a cold bottle of water. Ranboo and Tubbo spared no expenses when it came to their kids.

However, this climate sensitivity was the exact opposite for her younger (also adopted) brother. The small piglin named Micheal could handle heat extraordinarily well, and though he couldn't swim in lava he easily handled the extreme temperatures of the nether without being phased.

The two siblings always got along well, and as they got older their bond seemed to grow with them. (Y/n) would help Michael if he had anything he needed picked up from town, and Michael would go through the nether to travel to places that were further away. Unfortunately for the children, their parents were almost never home and constantly working, but this meant they got to spend more time together, so they couldn't complain too much.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the family had a day to themselves. No work, no chores needed to be done, no errands to be ran. It was just the four of them sitting in front of the living room with a various amount of toys and books scattered amongst the feet.

That was, until a knock was heard on the door.

Tubbo got up, saying he would get it, and (Y/n) trailed behind him. She walked slowly, but with a little bounce. After all, not many people showed up on their door-step.

Tubbo opened the door, but nobody was there. He looked at the ground through his fluff of hair and saw a single envelope. It looked official and propper, a real wax seal closing the seal with a custom logo on it. He picked the fine material up and looked over it, searching for a sender, but couldn't seem to find one. He looked at it suspiciously, but took (Y/n)'s hand to bring her back to the family room anyway.

After sitting back down in his armchair, Tubbo signaled for Ranboo to come over to look at the letter with him. (Y/n) sat down to play with Michael, the toy train shining in the light of the fireplace. (Y/n) sweated from the heat coming from it. She ignored the fabric of her shirt clinging to her like a wet towel and played 'save the orphans' with Michael instead.

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