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"Bookstore Blunder"


Tw: This sexy mf istg-

Note: This was an early Christmas present to one of my dear friends. Guess who....Beep. It was Beep. Its always Beep. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!

Song: "Ciggarets On Patios" By BabyJake


(Y/n) looked around the small bookstore that she had found herself in with the hints of a smile pulling at their mouth. It was a little hole in the wall place, each corner decorated with its own aesthetic and giving off homey vibes.

This was a spot she would visit frequently to stock up on reading material of all kinds. Whether that be cheesy romance novels, or gorey facts about warfare, (Y/n) would read it all.

After all, finding a bookstore in Las Nevadas wasn't very common. It was all casinos and cookiecutter apartment buildings; not a single Walmart or candy shop in sight. Sometimes (Y/n) questioned her decision to move out here.

But it was all made better when she stepped into that bookstore. The one that smelled of hibiscus tea and fresh ink. The one that alphabetized every single novel for your convenience. The one that made lanterns from scratch just to supply avid readers with light that is easy on the eyes.

Yeah. It was all worth it.

(Y/n) hands skimmed her fingertips delicately over the spins of the multicolored books in front of her vision. Eyelids half drawn with comfort, she browsed the option for what must have the hundredth time that week.

Eventually her calloused hand stopped at a glossy cover title that had caught her eye, but she moved away from the face of the shelf with a dissatisfied huff after discovering that she had already read it.

"Damn authors. Can't come out with enough books quick enough." (Y/n) mumbled mindlessly. She didn't really mean it; the woman was just a tad bit frustrated with her fruitless findings.

(Y/n) looked above the Ikea construction in front of her to see the fonted label "Dystopian" in gray letters. They glazed just a bit farther to the right to see another label, this time reading "Cooking".

"I guess I could bear to learn a new skill." They waged with themself quietly. Reluctantly leaving their beloved dystopian section, (Y/n) ventured a couple book filled isles over to the cook book section.

Immediately (Y/n) noticed the changes. All the books here had the thickest covers and pages bookmarked to the brim from past owners. The outward designs were cheesy and too fancy to be taken seriously in her opinion, but I digress.

There was also more content to be explored over here. Nearly twice as much as her previous browsing options.

With a sigh that burned heavily with regret, she took a step forward into the section of cooking disasters.

Her feet scuffed against the overused and scratchy red carpeting as she meandered her way down the aisle. The torn and faded material only reminded (Y/n) of how the place was practically crumbling as we speak. Like I said, bookstores arnet common in Las Nevadas, and nor are the customers. Few to any ever ventured into the wooden front doors; most only to leave minutes after. (Y/n) was fairly certain she was the only person remotely keeping this store afloat.

With a grimace from being reminded of the financial situation, she rounded another corner with tense shoulders. Her tightly coiled figure was so lost in thought, that (Y/n) completely missed the lanky giant walking in front of them.

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