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Everyone was wishing they would help, but they didn't want to risk it. "Look, I'm sorry." Diego piped, "we have other priorities right now."

"Diego's right." Five agreed synthetically, "for once. We make our stand here and now."

His eyes wandered to the (E/c) ones he knew, asking her with his green ones why she was going. "Right, Eight?"

She stared at him with sorrow that she couldn't stay with him. She put Vanya through enough, and what else are they doing right now? They're hiding from the Feds. That sounds quite silly for a group of people with amazing abilities and skills. The Feds shouldn't even feel like a threat to them.

Allison and Klaus looked away, Diego had already declined, and Five was staring at (Y/n) waiting for her to answer. Vanya already found it clear no one was coming, and was too looking at (Y/n) to see what she would do.

"I.. I can't let her be alone again." (Y/n) said slowly to Five, "I'm sorry, but I know what it's like. And I'm not a fan of being limited to one space."

"Okay." Vanya said sadly but with determination, "I guess we'll see you when we see you."

With that, (Y/n) followed her sister out, giving a look of confirmation to Five that she knew what she was doing.


(Y/n) and Vanya sat in the car, both in the front seat.

Vanya sighed, "thank you, (Y/n), really."

"For what?" (Y/n) asked, "I love adventures."

"Well for that," Vanya chuckled, "and for being a good sister."

Number Eight couldn't help but feel like she was anything but. No matter, as she forced a smile, "anything for you guys."

With that, they hugged again, a feeling (Y/n) hadn't experienced with Vanya yet just happened. A feeling of sisterly love. Of course she felt it with Allison all the time, but with Vanya, it was hard.

What broke up the hug was Klaus opening the passenger door and allowing himself in. "So, so, so.."

His two sisters shoved over a little to make room for him as they turned to listen. "Ben, huh? Gone forever. Isn't he?"

(Y/n)'s heart sank to her stomach. "W-what?"

Klaus looked at her, "you didn't hear?"

"He, um..." Vanya paused as she seemed to try and stop herself from getting emotional. "He gave his life for mine, saving the world while doing so."

Two tears rolled from her eyes and Klaus immediately dried them, "no, no, no, Puppet. Ben wouldn't have wanted you to cry."

She took a deep breath, "you're right. He probably didn't. The show off."

"Vanya, did he.." Klaus started, "did he.. say anything.. about me?"

Vanya and (Y/n) were quite surprised at the question. Klaus wasn't known for being too in-depth with stuff like that. "He wanted me to tell you that he was too scared to go in to the light. It wasn't you that made him stay."

Klaus scoffed with a smile, "oh, that little shit-heel." Although he was covering it up somewhat well, he was quite sad about Ben no longer being there. It was nice to have someone's second opinion all the time, even though he claimed he didn't like it.

Number Four rested his head against (Y/n)'s as a sign for her to put her head on his shoulder. She did exactly that, grabbing his hands to hold as well.

Vanya breathed out as a way to catch their attention, "I'm sorry, but Klaus, you should leave because me and Eight have to go and-"

"Oh, no, I'm coming with." Klaus corrected as Vanya looked at him shocked. "Cant let you two face the unknown alone, right?"

The back door opened as if on cue, and in came Numbers Two and Three. "Got room for two more?" Allison asked as the two made themselves comfy in the back.

"What about the Commission?" Vanya questioned.

"Well, might as well do some good before we die horribly." Diego shrugged.

"That's the spirit!" (Y/n) smiled. "Whoo-hoo!" Klaus added with two little fist pumps to the air.

Another door opened, this time the one beside Klaus, and Five peered in. Vanya shook her head, "Five, you- you don't have to-"

"I know." He nodded with a comforting smile, "you owe me one, sis."

His smile instantly fading to a harsh stare as he looked to his brother, "children ride in the back."

"Do you mean me or.." he trailed off, leaning back so he could see Number Eight. She gave a scoff and whacked his arm. "Ow! Okay! Okay!"

With that, Klaus climbed over the seat in a very disorganized way, and squeezed himself in between the two in the back. Five looked towards the girl, who was giving a smile, "Unfortunately you're stuck with me, because I'm mentally not a child."

Five gave a teasing sigh as he ducked himself in the car and closed the door, "what a shame indeed, doll." He smiled as he place a quick kiss on her forehead and poked her cheek.

The whole car erupted with noises that mainly consisted of "awe!" And "adorable!"

Five smiled at all of them as he turned to look back out the front, trying not to pay and mind to the light blush across his face. To him and Eight it was normal, but sometimes they forgot that other people weren't as used to it as they were.

"Ship is still sailing!" Klaus cheered, "my only hope love still exists!"

(Y/n) gave a smile too, but hers went along with the incredible amount of blush across her face. She put her hands to her cheeks as an attempt to cool them down.

The trunk is what took the attention of the couple, as the whole car sunk down while he climbed in and sat down. "Anyone makes a fat joke and I'm outta here."

(Y/n) sighed, "guess I'll hold off then."

Luther shook his head as he sat awkwardly in the back, closing the trunk. "Do you want to fix this tire with your telekinesis, Eight? It's really uncomfortable back here." Number One complained.

She turned around and pondered falsely, "no, I don't think I will."

Luther scoffed, while Vanya shrugged and shifted the gear, starting the drive in to the great unknown.

"Glad you're not driving," Five nudged (Y/n), "we'd either be dead, or in jail."

She rolled her eyes in response, "shouldn't insult yourself like that Five, you're the one who taught me."

He rolled his eyes this time and looked away. But a few minutes went by, and (Y/n) felt him slowly pick up her hand and mindlessly fiddle with her fingers as he looked out the window. Safe to say, that did not help her blushing problem one bit.

Allison stared at the two in admiration. She hoped one day she could have something like them.

But, what she didn't know was that everyone was doing the exact same thing as her.

After all, if it's one thing The Umbrella Academy lacks, it's the ability to love someone outside of their little family bubble.

The prefect bunch of little jerks.

ᵃˢ ˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵃˢ ᴵ'ᵐ ʷⁱᵗʰ ʸᵒᵘ. <<FIVE HARGREEVES X READER>>Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora