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(Y/n) walked away from Allison as she looked at everything. Number Three was just trying to find a way in so she just let her sister do whatever she wanted.

(Y/n) used her telekinesis to open a window. She didn't want to break the lock on the nice door. Number Eight got a running start and jumped through the window head first. She did a roll on the ground and landed on her feet. She took a few seconds to look around and then got up. This place was massive on the inside and out.

(Y/n) loved it. Now just to find Klaus. She walked around and looked at all of the weird portraits of her brother. Definitely a cult leader. Eventually she made it to see a backyard with a nice pool. In it was Klaus floating on a pink floaty.

"Klaus?" She heard Allison call as she neared the pool.

Number Four sat up super quick and caught sight of his sister. "Allison." He exclaimed, a giant smile spreading across his face.

Allison pulled off her shoes and ran into the pool, not caring if her dress got wet.

"Oh, my God." Klaus exhaled he hugged her. Both him and Allison started sobbing and laughing out of happiness and relief.

(Y/n) smiled at the cute sight and started running out to them. She then took running and jumped in to the pool, creating a big splash. She turned visible and raised her arms, "surprise!"

"Puppet!" Klaus beamed, wrapping her in a hug as well. (Y/n) started to join their waterworks club, and let a few tears slip out. "It's been too long." Her muffled voice said against her brothers chest.

Allison joined the hug and they all stood their laughing and sobbing in relief, excitement, and happiness.

They finally pulled away and Klaus smiled down at his shorter sister, and then up at his taller one. "God, I missed you guys. I thought everyone was dead. I thought I was the only one left."

"Me too." Allison smiled.

"Same here." (Y/n) agreed, still grinning.

Each of them had the biggest smile on their faces as they just looked at each other.

"Sit down, sit down." Klaus pointed at the edge of the pool. Allison and (Y/n) sat next to each other with their feet still in the pool. Number Eight took this time to pull off her shoes and socks and put them in the sun to dry. "We have so much catching up to do." Klaus observed.

"Alright, for starters.." (Y/n) began, "how on earth did you end up in this castle?" She smirked teasingly.

Klaus got back on to his floaty before starting, "oh, you know.. dicks, drugs, and debutantes. My holy trinity." He said playfully. Numbers Three and Eight started to laugh. "But, yeah. It's been a wild run."

"Klaus, you started a cult." Allison confronted.

"'Cult' is a very negative word, Allison." Klaus objected, "we prefer to call it 'an alternative spiritual community'."

"That's basically the other way of saying 'cult'." Number Eight stated, "which is exactly what you started."

Klaus held out his arms as if he was knocked out, "alright, alright, alright. Enough about me, what about you ladies?"

"Wanted murderer." (Y/n) raised her hand.

Klaus's face seemed to remain not supposed. "That warms my heart. Here's my surprised face."

"Yeah, against racism actually." She elaborated, "this cop was going to arrest this young mother. She didn't see the stupid 'whites only' sign and walked in. The cop was such an asshole and pissed me off so... you know." She then trailed off by sliding her finger across her throat.

Klaus just raised his drink to her and then took a sip out of it, "that actually does warm the cold cockles of my heart." He then turned to Allison, "what about you? Did you get into trouble too?"

Allison chuckled but looked down nervously, "no, not as interesting as hers. I've just been living in South Dallas, working as a civil rights organizer."

"Wow." Klaus muttered.

"With her husband." Number Eight added, making Allison smile and nudge her. (Y/n) couldn't wait to meet him.

Klaus gasped, "you're married?"

Allison smiled through the blush on her face, she did her best to stop her chuckles. "Yeah."

"Who is this lunatic?" Klaus questioned.

"His name is Raymond Chestnut. Ray." Allison informed. But Klaus seemed to remember that name from his time in jail. That was him? What a small world.

"Wait, is he locked up right now?" Klaus abruptly asked.

"Wow, Klaus, way to be sensitive about it." Number Eight said sarcastically.

Allison scrunched her eyebrows in puzzlement at Number Four, "yeah. But how would you know about that?"

"Yeah, yeah. We did time together." Klaus confirmed as he swayed his hands in the water, "wow. Small world."

"You were arrested?" (Y/n) asked.

Klaus smiled jokingly, "surprised, mi amor?"

Number Eight tilted her head to ponder on it. "Actually, no. No, not at all."

Klaus hummed and then pointed at Allison for her to continue. "We organized a really big sit-in at a lunch counter today." Allison said, "and then Ray got arrested and.. I cant get him out."

Number Three's face screamed worry and concern. (Y/n) and Klaus could hear it in her voice.

"Hello? Why don't you just rumour him out?" Klaus suggested. Number Eight almost forgot her sister could do that. She nodded an agreement with Klaus.

"I haven't used my powers since-" Allison stopped. Number Eight knew exactly when she was talking about. "-since Vanya's cabin." Number Eight continued sombrely. Memories of that night seeped into Allison's and (Y/n)'s minds.

"I couldn't speak for a year." Number Three stated sadly.

"Oh.." Klaus exhaled, "oh.. I'm sorry, Allison."

"No, it's okay." Allison affirmed, getting herself out of the flashbacks. "I actually really like who I am without it. Everything I have, I've earned. It feels really good. You know?"

Klaus and (Y/n) smiled at Allison. They were happy to see her happy. Allison stood up and went to pick up her shoes. She bent down to put them on and that's when Number Eight gestured Klaus over.

"I'm going to bust Ray out." She whispered to him, "you and Ben wanna come?"

"Duh." Klaus whispered back. He reached out to high-fived the air and (Y/n) held her hand out for a high-five from Ben too. When she felt cold air breeze her hand, she knew he gave her one.

Number Eight shook her head and ran her hand through her hair to try and dry it. It was already half way dry, which was the good part about having short hair.

"I am actually really proud you did that. It might seem like I'm promoting murder in order to make a point but..." Klaus paused, "actually that's exactly what I'm doing."

She spun to face Klaus with a smile, "hey, what can I say? Don't piss me off."

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