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As Number One walked away, Five realized just how helpless he was. He had no idea what his next move should be. He picked up a drink and took a big swig out of stress.

(Y/n) was his only option. Unless he ran into any of his other siblings somehow. She was on the run, which means she wouldn't be in one place for a long time. She knew how to run away, and stay away. Especially because she could be invisible. Maybe he already passed her but just didn't see, or maybe she was avoiding him because of what he did.

He felt so guilty for stranding his family here. He never meant for it to happen. But was it really bad enough for everyone to avoid him and shun him out?

Number Five watched as Luther picked up some drunk guys and threw him out of the club.

He put down his drink out of disappointment, "Dad should've left him on the moon."

He got up and was about to try some other way to save the planet again, until his blazer got caught on a chair. He looked down and saw a yellow square poking out of it. Hazel must've put it in there when he was getting shot.

On it, it read;

Date 11/22/63

Bingo. A lead.


(Y/n) was sitting at a table in Elliott's house, reading through all his articles. She needed find something that said where her siblings may be.

"Coffee?" Elliott offered, turning on a machine.

"Please." She accepted, not looking up from the article. She was on one from who knows when, she stopped looking at the dates a long time ago. Number Eight forgot that people were actually interested in other people's lives back here, hence the section for newlyweds. She looked through a few people's photos to see if any of her siblings were married. She doubted it. Since everyone is racist back now, she finally made it to the section for coloured people.

More strangers had wedding photos posted and quotes from each spouse. She could care less about anyone's marriage, but then she saw a more familiar face. Allison.

(Y/n) perked up and read every little detail underneath their names. Raymond Chestnut was her husbands name. From reading that, she looked up her name in the phone book and saw a salon number.

"Here you go-"

Elliott stopped when he saw the girl about to leave. "Oh, you're busy. That's.. that's alright. I'll just-"

She took the mug out of his hand with a smile, "thank you. I'll bring the mug back, I promise."

He nodded and took a step back, folding his robe over himself. He was already in sleepwear, presumably heading off to bed.

"Thanks for everything again, Elliott." (Y/n) said as she walked out. It was true, she was thankful that this man let her stay at his house and use his information. She probably would've never known her siblings were alive he if it weren't for him.


Now Number Eight was biking down the street at night, it was kind of pretty. She never knew how to ride a bike until now. She kinda just hopped on and hoped for the best, and so far it was going alright. She took this bike from a rack sometime on her way to Elliott's. It made travelling faster. She doubted the salon would be open, but maybe she could see something. She didn't actually know what to expect, come to think of it. But you never know till you try.

Number Eight had already finished the coffee by the time she made it to the salon. So now she was carrying an empty mug.

Odessa's Salon was the name she was looking for. And luckily, she found it. It was just closing shockingly, and she caught some woman shutting the door.

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