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After a little bit, Five and Hazel had successfully made it to a different timeline. Five took a quick look around to try and process where they were. He forgot about that and looked back at Hazel. "Okay.." he exhaled, "what the hell was that?"

"The end of the world, November 25th, 1963." Hazel grumbled.

"Sixty-three.." Five mumbled. He was so confused. He did remember that happening. How did that happen?

Number Five chuckled as he turned to the man again, "you know, Hazel, I'm no history buff, but I don't recall there being a nuclear holocaust."

"No shit."

"And what about my family?" He asked. As his eyes wandered he started to notice the vintage look of everything he laid eyes on. Nothing looked very modern.

"Dead," Hazel deadpanned, "just like everybody else."

"And where am I now?"

"Dallas." He replied, "same street, ten days earlier."

The pair moved towards a nearby bench and sat on it. As they did so, Hazel started again. "Plenty of time to restore the timeline and save them."

"Okay.." Number Five mumbled, now readying himself to save the world once more. "Where do we start?"

"We?" Hazel echoed, "you're on your own, pal. I'm just here to keep a promise to Agnes."

"Is she..."



"Cancer." Hazel informed. He looked away in sadness, "took her quick. But we had twenty good years together. I guess forever just wasn't in the cards."

"I'm sorry, Hazel." Five said honestly. He felt bad for Hazel. Losing a significant other is not an easy feat. He thought about the time he thought (Y/n) had died that time in the cabin. He remembered the soul crushing feeling. Even sitting here, he feels the need for her to be there with him. He couldn't even imagine what it would be like if he lost her for good.

A bus stopped by the sidewalk to let off three blonde men. Their faces were stern with determination as they got out of the bus with various duffel bags on their backs.

The first had slicks back hair that was either really greasy or he put gel in it. The second was really short. And the third had a scar down running down his right eye.

"What about the Commission?" Number Five questioned.

"I quit those assholes, remember?" Hazel reminded, "I don't owe them the fuzz off my peaches."

As Five looked up, he saw the three men walking towards them. "Well then, who the hell are those guys?" He asked as he stood firm his seat and pointed at them.

Hazel looked up and saw them as well. That's when the aimed their guns at them. "Shit," Hazel mumbled. He put something in Five's pocket and handed him the briefcase. "Run!"

Five was puzzled until they started to shoot Hazel. Number Five didn't have a choir to do anything before he was teleported to another street by the briefcase.

The Swedes stopped shooting as soon as they noticed Five was now gone. They all moved away from each other to look or him.

Number Five landed behind a car. One of the Swedes saw smoke coming from the car Five was hiding behind.

The Boy looked down to the bullet holes in the briefcase, "how many times did I say bullet-proof briefcases?"

There was not much time to dwell on the dissatisfaction of the briefcase as the Swedes saw Five as he stuck his head up for a look. They all started rapidly shooting at him. But, The Boy used his powers he almost forgot he had and spatial jumped away.

The three men were naive enough to think that they had hit Five, but when they neared the vehicle they noticed that he was gone again.

They clearly had a lot to learn about Five. Because they did not now that he was laying on the roof of a building right above their heads.

Once they left and the coast was clear, Five teleported down and fixed his blazer. His began walking back to the alleyway that he arrived here in. The alley behind Commerce and Knox.

He rounded the corner and was met with an empty alleyway. Of course, he was not surprised. But for some reason he was hoping one of his siblings would be there. He heard police sirens behind him and ran his hand through his hair in stress. He wondered what to do first but was pulled from his thoughts when he saw someone quickly closed the curtains.

His eyes made their way up to the roof, where there were many weird antennas surrounding a camera pointing in the exact place he was standing. It fight his attention for sure, and it was curiosity that was to blame for him getting side-tracked and teleporting inside.

He jogged up the stairs and fixed his blazer again as he came up to a door that had MORTIMER GUSSMAN D. D. S labeled on it.

He peered thought the blinds in an attempt to see the guy he saw second ago but saw nothing. He knocked on the door, and not even five seconds later the door beside him opened to reveal a man. He was scrawny and looked to be experiencing major paranoia.

"What do you want?" He asked as if he was panicked someone was watching him.

"Hi," Number Five greeted, "I'm selling encyclopedias for my youth group. I was curious if-"

No time to finish his t before the door was shut in his face.

The Boy sighed. Hard way it is.

He teleported inside and the man screamed when he saw the boy. He rushed to fumble a butter knife out of a kitchen drawer and held it up as a defence. Five stood there with a bored expression on his face as he watched the man squirm around.

"How'd you do that?" He asked quickly.

"Don't really have time to explain." Five said shortly.

"You from pentagon, huh?" The man stammered.

Five forced a smile and did everything he could from shoving that knife down the man's throat. "Definitely not."


The boy saw a coffee pot out of the corner of his eye and change the topic to that, "Is that fresh?"

The scrawny man shrieked again when Five spatial jumped to the coffee and pour himself a mug of it. He stood there and watched Five take a sip as he walked off. "This Colombian?"

"It's my own blend."

The boy's eyes scanned all the UFO articles and theory papers that were stuck on to the wall. He looked around more to see a bunch of strange looking gadgets.

"You ever heard of, uh, Area 51? Roswell?"

The man started making a weird noise that sound like a laugh and like he was out of breath. He threw the knife off out of joy, "hot damn!" He exclaimed, "Whoo! See, I always knew we weren't the only ones."

"See, Elenor said that my head wasn't screwed on tight but... but it's all true, yeah?" He asked, "UFOs, crop circles."

Five grinned and raised his mug, "well, the truth is out there."

"No. No, no, no, no. The truth, it's..." he came closer to Five as he went on, "right here in front of us."

Number Five started moving back as he got uncomfortable about how close this man was getting.

"Tell me.. wh.. why is it always an anal probe?" He questioned.

"Any closer and I'll melt your brain." Five said bitterly.

"He needs a little space. Yes." The man sputtered as he stepped back, "I'll be over here."

"All those contraptions on the roof. You built those, right?" Number Five asked.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure did." The man confirmed, "yeah, I've been tracking anomalies in.. in the atmosphere. Just waiting.."

"Waiting for what?"

"For you." He answered, "for all of you."

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