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Music filled the air along with light chatter. Some people danced, some just talked, but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. A waiter walked by with a tray full of champagne glasses. (Y/n) turned visible and took one off the tray as he walked by. Five scoffed and gave her a look. She just gave a sideways smile and downed it. Now that her head wasn't pounding, she felt great again.

"I don't see him." Diego stated as he looked around the room.

"Neither do I." Five agreed, "let's split up. You and Lila take down here, me and Eight will go upstairs." He gave the girl a quick glance as he said that.

She turned her head away to avoid blushing as he slowly grabbed her hand, "keep an eye out for the Majestic Twelve, yeah? And don't die in the process. It would be inconvenient."

Diego just chuckled at (Y/n)'s leadership skills, "would hate for that to be such a chore for you."

Number Five lightly squeezed her hand to signal that they should go. Hand in hand, they both walked away and up the stairs.

Lila was about to follow them, until Diego grabbed her arm. "Trying to ditch me again?"

"What are you talking about?" Lila asked, playing dumb. She only kept her eyes on her two targets that were walking away up the stairs.

"Last night." Diego brought up. That's when he noticed she wasn't even looking at him. "Hey." He exclaimed, putting his two fingers on her chin to turn her face to look at him. It forced her to take her eyes off Number Eight and Five. "Where'd you go?"

"You really want to do this now?" Lila questioned.

"Really." Diego responded.

"Fine. I went to the pharmacy to buy gauzes for your disgusting stab wound." She answered, "as a matter of fact, you owe me $1.89." All around them, people started to applaud for the band that had just finished playing. "Or you would if I actually paid for it."


Number Five and Eight were in a closet in the exact room the Majestic Twelve were in. They both peered through the little gaps of the closet door at the twelve men. (Y/n) noticed that Five had this weird nervous look to him. She grabbed his hand again and squeezed it to get his attention. When he looked at her, she mouthed: "you okay?"

He nodded and moved a bit closer to her for comfort. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. She would be too. It had been a long time since they'd seen him last. His thumb gently traced over her knuckles. She was glad it was dark, because her face was on fire.

"The president is continuing to makes inquiries into Roswell and the other crash sights, gentlemen." One man spoke, "and as you know, we cannot allow him to get his nose into our business. I've confirmed the motorcade will be turning left on Elm street. We'll have our people in place."

"Gentlemen," one very familiar cold voice piped, "this plan of yours seemed well-timed."

"It's a turkey shoot." Another man said.

(Y/n) started to get really nervous by hearing that voice again. She shuffled her foot anxiously, but this knocked over a bottle of something. She used her telekinesis to stop it from rattling, but it still made a small noise. They hoped their dad didn't notice, but they both knew that he did when his head snapped towards the closet.

Mr.Hargreeves was curious about what that noise was. He knew there was something suspicious about it.

"Dad?" Five whispered very quietly.

Reginald silenced the other men in the room and moved to get a hot poker from the fire place. He slowly neared the closet with the stick pointed towards it. Five slowly put his arm up in front of Number Eight, even though he knew she was fully capable of defending herself. It made him feel the tiniest bit better if he defended her himself. He couldn't shield her from those terrible things they did to her at the commission, so he might as well do it now. For his own sanity.

She used her telekinesis to hold the door shut, but Five saw that he was about to stab through the door. With her other hand, (Y/n) tugged on Five's sleeve as a sign to get them the hell out of there.

Five understood the sign, and without another word he teleported them out of there. Right before Reginald stabbed through the closet door a bunch of times until it was halfway broken. He then peered in, and saw no one was in the closet.

Five and (Y/n) landed in the hallway. They both exhaled breathes they didn't know they were holding in.

"Shit, I'm sorry. That was way too close." (Y/n) exclaimed.

Five nodded in agreement and motioned for them to get back to Diego. But, as they turned, they were faced with one of the Swedes.

"Ah, shit."

(Y/n) turned invisible and moved out of the way as the Swede lunged at Five. Before the boy could even lift a finger, the Swede named Otto threw him into the walls by his collar. But, Number Five teleported away as he was about to hit the wall.

Otto was bewildered when he suddenly didn't see Five anymore. The boy used this as an opportunity to spatial jump behind the man and kick from behind his leg, pushing him down to his knees. Five immediately tried to snap his neck, but Otto was stronger and flipped Five onto the ground and punch in square in the face.

But his fist hit nothing as Five had already teleported behind him again. He tried to do it again but the blue energy around his hands was starting to flicker. "Oh, shit."

"My turn."

Otto jumped in panic when he heard the deep voice. He looked around and behind him but saw no one. When he turned back to Five, there was a girl standing beside him.

She waved and gave a smile as she disappeared and then appeared behind him. She then twisted his arm and got him onto his stomach with a push from her telekinesis. She pinned his two arms behind his back, and used her other hand to put pressure on his neck with telekinesis. "Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep." She muttered as she applied more pressure each time. A pressure point she learned from an inmate way back when they tested it on her.

Number Eight kicked his forehead, and that seemed to do the trick. His eyes closed and he was out. Number Eight took her hands off of him and looked out the window to the the Majestic Twelve waiting for their cars.

"We should go-"

Suddenly she was flipped onto her back and a fist collided with her face. Otto kicked Five back onto the ground. "Don't touch her!" The boy shouted as he landed on his back.

(Y/n) kicked and squirmed but she couldn't get out of his grasp, that's when he hit her again. She used her telekinesis to push him off. She saw Five trying to enter the fight but she knew his powers weren't super strong right now. She blocked him using her telekinesis from coming any closer.

"(Y/n), what're you doing?!"

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