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"There no way on the planet I'm getting dragged back into one of her two-faced schemes." Number Eight grumbled.

Number Five stopped them from walking and turned her to face him. "I'm sorry, Eight. But I don't see any other way."

Her face dropped and she looked away. "You don't get it. She's never a good option. Every time she tricks you and I into some stupid idea that never works out for us."

He knew something was wrong. This plan wasn't the only thing on her mind. Number Five sighed, "What's really wrong? What's actually on your mind, hm, doll?"

She stared back into his piercing green eyes but couldn't bring herself to answer. Does she tell him? Does she tell him she still gets nightmares about the horrors of the commission? Would he think she was weak?

"You know what's wrong." Was all she whispered.

And he did know. He was reminded of it every time he saw her tense when The Handler was around. He was reminded every time she flinched when the Commission was mentioned. He couldn't get it off his mind. She must think he is a real jerk talking with the very person who ruined her life.

Five sighed as he looked down at her. What was he to say? "Eight-"

"I just don't know." She admitted, "nothing good comes from that bitch."


She rolled up her sleeve and flashed her fading scar she got from Robert. Her long lost bestie. The man she brutally murdered. The scar read; WORTHLESS

"I have more than enough reasons not to trust her, Five." She pointed out, "I'm sorry, I need time to think it over."

With that, she started to walk away. But, Five couldn't leave her angry at him. He couldn't leave her while she wasn't anything but happy with him.

He teleported beside her as they continued to walk. For a while, they didn't say anything, until Five spoke again. "Okay, I get it, but we can think together."

"We clearly have separate opinions, and one of them is right." She paused, "and I apologize for you picking the wrong one."

"(Y/n), listen.." Five said as he turned to her to make them both halt. "I don't really like it either, okay? But our options are getting very lean. Trust me the last thing I want is to cause you any harm, but, this deal makes perfect sense."

She sighed and looked at him, "I cant let her coax us into another trap. I'm worried about you. I'm worried about how it'll affect our family. She's never precise with what she says and for some reason that doesn't make you suspicious at all."

Five blinked. What does he say? He doesn't know. And her eyes prodded at him for an answer but he didn't have one. Her demeanour showed she wasn't mad, rather distressed.

She rubbed her head, "or maybe that's just the trauma talking, I don't know. But what I do know, is that black car has been following us for three blocks and it's concerning me."

When Five and Eight turned to look at it, the car pulled up beside them and stopped. Number Five subconsciously moved in front of Number Eight, but all that happened was some man gave them a letter and then got back in and drove away.

Five turned around and opened the letter in between them. They both read it, clear as day.

Their father had invited them to dinner.


They neared the building and they both stared at it. They didn't mention it, but both of them were crumbling under the nervousness of seeing their dad again. Even if he didn't even know who they were yet.

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