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Diego was sitting at a table with an English woman named Lila. They were having a conversation about their so-called escape plan to get out of the nuthouse they were in. It was going okay until it ended when Lila sniffed the bottle of glue in front of her. Diego rolled his eyes at her and leaned back. She's so weird, he thought.

"Hargreeves." A soulless nurse called, "you have a visitor."

"Who?" Diego questioned.

"I ain't your secretary." He deadpanned.

Who was it? Was it (Y/n)? Allison? He doubted it was Luther. Maybe it was. Possibly his lunatic of a brother Klaus. Maybe it-

"Maybe daddy finally came to say "i love you" ." Lila commented sarcastically, stopping his train of thoughts.

Diego pushed his chair back, "piss off." He responded, imitating her accent.


He rounded the corner and made it to the visiting place. When he went in he saw the only person he didn't guess.


"Hey, Diego." Five greeted, "You look good in white." He complimented sarcastically.

Diego pulled the empty chair back, emitting a nasty scrap noise against the floor. He sat down with his lips pulling into a faint smile. "About time you showed up."

"How'd you know I'd be back?" Five asked.

"Because that's the kind of shit you pull." Diego responded, leaning closer to his brother.

"Where are the others?"

Diego's face was now plastered with confusion and shock, "They're not with you? Not even Eight?"

"We'll find them." The Boy said softly, "How long have you been here?"

"Seventy-five days." Diego replied, "landed in the alley behind-"

"Commerce and Knox." Five and Diego finished at the same time.

"You?" Diego questioned.

"I got here this morning." Number Five said brightly, tugging at his blazer yet again. Diego just wet his dry lip and glanced down quickly, then back at his brother. "How'd you find me?"

Five scoffed gently and pulled out a folded piece of paper from his pocket. Diego rolled his eyes and leaned back. Five unfolded it and read it, "Page sixteen." Diego just groaned as The Boy continued, ""Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 N. Beckley."" He read as he showed Diego the paper.

"That's Lee Harvey Oswald's house." Five stated, getting a chuckle from Number Two. "Care to explain?"

"Let's just say Dallas Law Enforcement has not been supportive of my attempt to stop the assassination of.." he lowered his voice and began to talk softly, "..John F. Kennedy."

"Because it hasn't happened yet."

"And it's not going to happen." Diego persisted, "not on my watch."

Maybe he is loosing his sanity, Five thought.

"Look, I've been shaving down the bars in my room." Number Two whispered while Five pretended to be interested. "Another day or two, I'll be out of this place, then I'm gonna stop Oswald and save the president." Diego smirked with a wink as he continued, "you want in, say the word."

Five was over his brother already, "listen to me closely, you gibberish moron." His voice was gentle, but also harsh and demanding. "You are not going to do a god damn thing."

"Why not?"

"Because we have to stop the apocalypse." Number Five blurted.

"No shit." Diego agreed, "but that doesn't happen for another sixty years."

"Not that one. This is a new one." Number Five corrected, "it followed us." He wasn't gonna let his brother's president obsession ruin his chance of saving the world. "I've seen it. Nuclear war, Diego. In ten days."

Diego leaned back again and folded his arms, "and I'm the one they locked up, huh?" He mused.

Five scoffed out of pure annoyance. Why couldn't Number Two take him seriously?

"Fine. I'll play along." Diego spoke, "what causes it?"

"I don't know." Five said sarcastically, "maybe some loony-tunes asshole with a hero complex tried to save the president and screwed everything up."

Just when The Boy thought that his brother has left the president obsession go for ten seconds, he was proved wrong when Diego looked at him astonished. "So, you're saying it worked?"

Five just scoffed again.

"I saved the president?" He bit his lip really hard, "I knew I could do it." He babbled before calming down again. "Okay, okay, I'll help you."

"Thank god."

"After I save the president." Number Two added, "and then you swing us back a few decades so I can slit Hitler's throat off with a butter knife."

Five definitely knew Diego was off his rocker after that. "This is why you don't have any friends." He insulted. But, he decided he was gonna give up and move to a different sibling. "You know what? Guard."

Diego perked up, as he was taken off guard by Five calling for the guards.

"My brother is plotting an escape." The Boy informed, "the bars of of his room have been shaved down."

Number Two felt betrayed but his own brother. He was so close, and now he had to restart the whole thing. "Piece of shit!" He bellowed, reaching over the table to try and attack his brother. But security restrained him.

"Look, this if for your own good, Diego." Number Five insisted.

"No! Five!" Diego protested as he thrashed and struggled against the guards while they held him down.

"Listen, my brother is a very sick man. I only pray he gets the help he so desperately needs." Five went on, pretending to actually believe isolating people who have lost their minds is good.

A nurse with a syringe full of sedative serum came around and stuck it in Diego's back. "No! Please! Not the needle!" He pleaded, but it was too late. It rushed through his veins and his eyes started to close.

Before Five left, he hovered over Number Two's ear. "I'll be back for you later, okay? Just.. well, nighty night."

The next thing Diego knew, he was out.


When Five entered the juvenile detention centre, he was immediately met with distressed cops and people asking each other about it. They looked to be inspecting some sort of vent cover.

Two cops turns to face him and approached with stern looks to mask their worry. "Who're you here for, kid?"

"I'm here for (Y/n) Hargreeves." He stated, "I want to visit her."

The cops scrunched their eyes brows and whispered among one another before the other one chuckled, "have you not seen the news, son?"

The Boy shook his head.

"(Y/n) escaped last night." He informed, "police are everywhere searching. You're the sixth person to come in here and ask. This isn't some kind of joke. She's violent and dangerous."

Five nodded but continued on with his hand innocent-boy complex, "I'm sorry, I had no idea-"

"That's alright, kiddo." One of them said as they directed him to the door, "stay safe out there. And come to us if you see her."

"Sure." Five nodded as he walked out the door and away from the building.

He read the article again and again, searching for anything that could lead to her whereabouts in Dallas. But saw nothing.

The worst part was he had to try looking for someone else. It hurt. Because now he had to break his promise.


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