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"Okay, yeah, maybe we should take turns talking?" Vanya suggested as she grabbed a conch shell from a table. "Here. Whoever has this conch shell gets to talk."

"Vanya, we don't really have time for a debate, okay?" Number Five commented. You could sense the stress radiating from his voice.

"Maybe I should lead." Allison piped, "we all know I'm a better public speaker than any of you." As she said this, she took the shell from Vanya.

"Okay, daddy's girl." Diego snapped.

"Oh, jealous Number Two?" Allison taunted.

"Hey, no more numbers." Diego said as he walked up to Allison, "no more bullshit. We're Team Zero. We're all Team Zero."

"But then what about Five?" (Y/n) asked, "what do we call him?"

"I don't know Eight, just think of-"

"No more numbers." Allison smirked as she interrupted Diego.

"Uh, Diego, Eight, you guys don't have the conch." Luther intervened.

"Forget it." (Y/n) dismissed, "everyone sit down." She ordered as she pulled all the chairs out with her telekinesis.

They all sat down without arguing. Number Eight smirked lightly at how much she could make them do by talking in her demon voice. It amused her.

The door suddenly whacked open. In came the one and only.. Reginald Hargreeves.

Their eyes fixated on him as he took his seat. They all sat up straighter and pulled their chairs in. It was habit at this point. As if he would make them do ten minutes of extra training like old days.

"Not only have you burglarized my lab, set my chimp loose, conned your way into he Mexican Consulate, repeatedly stalked and attacked me, but you have, on numerous occasions, called me-"

Klaus came stumbling in with a drink in his hand as he took his empty seat. "Hey, pop, how's it hangin?"

"-called me 'dad'." Reginald finished.

(Y/n)'s eyes were set on the fruit in the middle. She could not bring herself to even look at their dad. With all the hell he put them through and the encounter in the closet with him a couple days ago.. she didn't really have any words to say. Five was the opposite. His eyes bored into his father's peircing ones as the man continued to talk. "My reconnaissance tells me you're not CIA, not KGB, certainly not M15, so.. who are you people?"

Everyone looked at each other awkwardly. How do they make this sound real?

"We're your children." Number Five spoke up, "we're from the future. In 1989, you adopted us all- or took us in-" he explained as he looked quickly at Nunber Eight, "-and you trained us all to fight against the end of the world." He went on, "called us The Umbrella Academy."

Their dad was baffled. "Why on Earth would I adopted seven-"

"Eight." Number Eight corrected, "one of us isn't with us. And you never adopted me."

"One of us is dead." Diego elaborated, "and you took her in off your doorstep."

"Yeah, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba." Klaus exclaimed as he shushed something behind him, which can only be Ben. "Enough of that now." He sighed as he turned back and gestured for their dad to carry on.

"Regardless of how many, what would possess me to adopt seven ill-mannered children and then collect one off the streets?"

"We all have special abilities."

"Special? In what sense?" Reginald asked.

"In the superpower sense." Luther responded.

"Call me old-fashioned, but I'm a stickler for a pesky little thing called evidence." He informed, "show me."

"Everybody wants to see powers all the sudden." Allison grumbled as she took a sip from her drink.

"We're not circus animals, okay?" Luther sneered, "we're not gonna bounce balls on our noses and clap our hands like seals for your amusement."

Just then, Diego threw a knife and curved it so it just missed the old man's head, showing off his power. Reginald then took out a pen and scribbled something down in his notebook. Just like old times.

They all leaned towards him to try and see what he was writing. "What are you writing?"

"You are zero for two, young man." Reginald commented, making Diego rise from his chair in attack mode.

Number Five teleported in front of his brother to stop him from going any further. "Stop it!" Five scowled.

"Now that is interesting." Mr. Hargreeves exhaled.

"Alright, quick rundown." Number Five announced as he went back to his seat and sat down. "Luther has super strength, Klaus can commune with the dead, Eight has telekinesis and invisibility. She also part demon so she has a vast amount of demonic abilities that go with it. And, Allison can rumour anyone to do anything."

"Except she never uses it." Number Two commented.

Allison didn't like that. She looked over to Diego and said; "I heard a rumour... That you punched yourself in the face."

Diego helplessly obliged, groaning when his fist collided with his face. "Damn it!"

Everyone muffled their laughs as Allison just sipped her straw tauntingly.

Mr. Hargreeves then looked to Vanya, "and you?"

"Let's not take Vanya for a test run." Luther said sheepishly.

"Oh, yeah," Klaus agreed, "that's probably not a good idea."

Vanya seemed quite ready to show off. "It's fine." She claimed, "I can handle it." She grabbed a utensil off the table.

"Last time you 'handled it' part of the moon smashed into the Earth." (Y/n) chimed.

"No, Vanya, don't!" Everyone shouted in different variations at different times. No use. She hit the fork off the glass cup, emitting a ringing noise. This conjured her powers and she stared at the fruit bowl and made it explode.

Bits of fruit exploded everywhere, but with the wave of Eight's hand, they suddenly froze mid-air. The fruits that were smashed lowered to the food bowl and had shadows surround them. Within ten seconds, the fruits were put back together like nothing happened.
(Y/n) had her hand raised and a disapproving look on her face as she stared at Number Seven. "Vanya."

"Oops." Was all Vanya said.

Number Eight rolled her eyes and threw a piece of remaining fruit at her.

"Incredible." Reginald exclaimed.

"Thank you." (Y/n) muttered as she dried her sweaty hands on her pants. She forgot to tell anyone that she had been practicing her powers in juvie, and therefore left most of her siblings shocked too.

"Look, we know you're involved in a split to assassinate the president." Diego piped with little patience caught in his voice.

Five groaned in annoyance. He thought Diego had gotten over that. (Y/n) shot him a warning look, and when he caught her eye, he quickly looked away to pretend he didn't see it.

"You were recently hospitalized, correct?" Their father asked, already knowing the answer. "You still appear to be suffering from delusions of grandeur and acute paranoia."

Number Two was second guessing himself. Was he? No he wasn't. He was right. This man was wrong. "Am I?" He mumbled aloud. Then he remembered he still had the picture and he unfolded it from his back pocket. "Explain this."

Sir Reginald looked at the photo Diego handed him and squinted to get a better look at it.

"That's you." Number Two urged, "that is two days from now on the grassy knoll at the exact same spot the president is gonna get shot."

Their father looked back at Diego, "well.. then I guess you've solved it." He said simply, "you've single-handedly unearthed my nefarious plot."

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