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"Dallas is a big place." Number Eight heard Diego say from behind, in a way that sounded like he was not sure if he should talk. "We need to find him first."

"Already done." (Y/n) declared.

"Where?" Five questioned as he came to stand behind her, "in a fossil's museum?"

She chuckled, "no, you moron. And I didn't find him, technically. Just his old company." She pointed at the name printed.

"D.S. Umbrella Academy Manufacturing Co." Five studied, "Eighty-two olive."

"Off we go then." (Y/n) exclaimed as she walked to the door, "come on."


The car they were driving in slowed to a complete stop out front of the building. "This is it." Five exhaled as he got out of the vehicle, with Diego and Number Eight following.

The trio stood in front of the building, just staring at it. It felt sort of good to see something related to the Umbrella Academy other than Five's uniform for the first time in a while for Diego and (Y/n).

"D.S. Umbrella." Diego read, "this is it."

"Not sure if I want to see him or not." (Y/n) contemplated, "I haven't seen him in a while and I kinda want to keep it that way."

Five patted her back, "that's okay, stay and be look out. Or take a nap, you look tired."

She was indeed tired. That sleep at Allison's didn't do a justice for all the sleepless nights at the detention centre. "Will do." She answered, "good luck. Give my best regards to that old man. Yell or something if you need me."

"Will do, ma'am." Five said with a little salute.

A little smile tugged at her lips and a small amount of blush crept across her face as she turned away. It's been a while since she's been called anything other than idiot, weakling, Hargreeves, or freakshow.

(Y/n) got to the car and leaned against the door. Did she want to take a nap? Yes. But, keeping look out for them was more important. Everything was going good until she heard rustling and banging coming from the trunk.

Alarmed and curious, she went over and opened it. When she did, she saw Lila.

"Hello!" The woman chirped, climbing out of the trunk and stretching.

"Why in the hell are you here?" (Y/n) asked sharper than she intended to.

"Relax." Lila chuckled, "I just wanted to check things out for myself. You guys aren't too descriptive about your little thing going on."

Number Eight had a bad feeling about Lila. Right from the start. Right from when Lila said her name. "Yeah, there's a reason for that."

"You don't trust me?" Lila questioned. It sounded as if she was surprised. "Diego-"

"I don't give a damn what Diego thinks." (Y/n) cut her off. "Diego is also the same person who pushes on pull doors. Look, my brother is easily fooled but I'm not. I don't trust you one bit. And if I find out you hurt him or Five, I will rip your intestines out and choke you to death with them."

Lila's eyes grew wider, "and here I was thinking we were starting to become friends."

Number Eight squinted her eyes to tell Lila to stop talking. The woman raised her hands in surrender and closed her jaw. Who would've thought a thirteen year-old girl could be so intimating? Lila sure as hell felt a little unsettled.


Diego poked his knife into the lock again. "How long has it been since you've seen the old man?"

"Forty-five years." Five sighed, "same as (Y/n)." The Boy would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous to see his dad again. Of course he wouldn't know who Five was, but the thought of seeing him made Number Five a little scared.

"That's a trip."

"No kidding." Five exclaimed as he leaned back on the glass door, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "You know, while I was out there in the apocalypse there wasn't a day that went by where I didn't hear his voice in my head."

Voices in the head were no stranger to him. And it reminded him of (Y/n). How was that working out for her? He made a mental note to ask her later.

"What was he saying?" Diego asked as he kept trying to pick the lock.

""I told you so."" Five informed. It reminded him of how much regret he felt for not listening to his dad.

Diego scoffed, "well, if dad's here, he doesn't know you yet. So he can't say "I told you so"."

"I'm sure he'll find a way." Number Five muttered. When he saw that Diego still hadn't unlocked the door. He teleported inside and unlocked it himself.

"Right," Diego sighed, "gotta remember that."

When they did go inside, it was all dark and dusty. Number Five tried turning in a lamp, but it flickered and turned off. "Shit." He exclaimed when they both realized it was not gonna work.

"Guess dad wasn't much for home decor." Diego commented as they eyed around the dark room.

Five lightly punched a pillow sitting on the couch to have dust puff out of it. "It feels like more of a front."

"A front for what?" Number Two questioned.

"I don't know."

"Well, I'll take left." Diego said as he walked towards a door. "Like (Y/n) said, yell if you.. you know, need help."

And with that being the inspiration, they split. Number Five took the right door, which led him to a down a hallway with many doors. After seeing that the first door was locked, he moved to the second one. This one was unlocked, so he went in slowly.

It was almost too dark to see anything, but Five could make out a light switch. He flipped it on and the lights lit up. It revealed that he was staring at a mannequin family sitting in a living room in the centre, with a cartoon background.

"What are you up to?" Five mumbled as he cut the light and moved to the next door.

This room had more mannequins. This time the family was in a dinner setting. He looked around some more and spotted a desk in the corner. Lots of papers and files scattered all over it. He immediately went to go look through it.

One thing was for sure, this place sent suspicious shivers down your spine.


(Y/n) was sitting on the hood on the car, with Lila sitting beside her. Yeah, she didn't trust her, but she didn't look like she had any interest in killing her yet. Better than having her sit behind her and out of sight.

"Do you have any other siblings?" Lila questioned.

"Five others." She deadpanned. As she said that, she remembered about Allison's situation. Her address was in her pocket, and she figured she'd go check on her sister the following day.

"Wow." Lila exclaimed, "your parents must love kids."

"My dad hated all of us."

"Oh, well your mum-"



"You know, I don't really like you, Lila." She interrupted, "but I will try to get along with you for my brother's sake. As of right now, however, you're making it very hard."

Lila was clearly about to say else but a voice yelling from inside caught their attention.

"(Y/N)! DIEGO!"

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