A New Life

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Dying didn't hurt, in fact, I barely even noticed that it had happened. I could feel Thor holding my body upright as I slipped into unconsciousness and everything turned to black.

I opened my eyes and slowly sat up, looking around to see vast nothing-ness except one small light in the distance. I stood up and looked around before deciding that my only option was to walk towards the only source of light.

As I was getting closer to the light, I noticed a faded archway to my left that was overgrown with moss and cobwebs. I walked up to it and peered through the archway, I could feel a chill breeze coming from beyond it and noticed that everything was foggy and grey. It looked gloomy and I had a feeling of sadness wash over me.

I shook off the feeling and backed away from the archway, walking back towards the light. As I approached, I noticed the light was coming from a small doorway with a staircase beyond it, but what really caught my eye was the woman standing next to the doorway. She was dressed like a warrior, with her hair pulled into a ponytail and she had huge white wings stretched out behind her.

"Are you a Vakyrie?" I spoke barely above a whisper

She gave a small laugh and smiled at me "Yes, Y/N, I am a Valkyrie. It is my job to accompany souls to their final resting place in Valhalla"

I gasped "Valhalla?"

"Yes, Valhalla" She motioned to the stairs next to her

"But-how-I don't-" I was rambling and shook my head, just staring at the woman

"You don't believe that you're meant to go to Valhalla?"

"No, I'm not a warrior. I also didn't die in battle"

"You may not have died in battle, but you were definitely a warrior. Did you not put your life on the line for Asgard? Did you not continually fight for the common good as an Avenger?"

"I-Yeah, I suppose I did. I didn't do anything extraordinary though, I just did what was right."

"That is exactly why you are worthy of walking into the halls of Valhalla, child, you always did what was right no matter the cost" I just stared at her in awe so she continued "You sacrificed yourself for your love so that your children may have a long life with at least one parent. Your brother was also smart to slip a dagger into your hand right before you died"

I smiled at that "Thor really did that for me to go to Valhalla?"

She smiled back "Yes, he did. Now, shall we discuss your options?"

"My options? I have options...?"

"Of course you do, as does anyone. If you so choose, you could remain wandering in Niflheim where the lost souls are, waiting for their loved ones to find them" She pointed back towards the archway that I had looked at previously "You could go through this door and onward to Valhalla and live the rest of your days living as royalty" She walked closer to me, her wings folding in at her back "Or...you could go home"

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open "I could go home? That's really a possibility?"

"It is. Normally, that is not an option, but it seems that Odin has other plans for you"

"That man seems to always have a plan for me. I don't understand, how is any of this happening?"

She laughed "Many impossible things are indeed possible, child. Odin is in charge of the Valkyrie, but most of us have died in battles and we are a very rare breed now. His hope has always been to bring back the Valkyrie to Asgard where they belong and start a new regime. He saw the opportunity and wants to do that through you, Y/N"

"But-but-how? How can I help with any of this?"

"You can help by becoming a Valkyrie"

"That's how I'd be able to go back home"

"Yes, child, that is your way back home. I know this is a lot to process, but unfortunately we are on a time limit. Time works differently here, while you've been with me for ten minutes, it's been a couple of days on Asgard and your body is growing weak."

"Right. Ok, yeah. No pressure" I looked up at the Valkyrie then "How would it work? What would I have to do?"

"If you accept, I will send you home and return you to your body. You won't feel anything, but you'll return as a Valkyrie. I'm sure the wings will take some getting used to" She smiled and continued "This will also trigger a chain of events. Anyone who was meant to be a Valkyrie will also go through the change. I'm sure Odin will handle the specifics of talking to Asgard about that, but ultimately, you will be in charge of the Valkyrie, they will fight under your direct orders and training"

"I have no clue how to be a warrior like that though, why me?"

"I don't know why Odin has chosen you, but everything he does he does for a reason. You must also know what you'd be gaining and what you'd be sacrificing. Your gifts of magic will be no more, your power to see the future will go away as well. In exchange, you'll be a full Asgardian with their lifespan and strength. You will live in the palace on Asgard and go through training as a Valkyrie alongside the Einherjar, the hope is to combine forces to create an army that no other realm will dare to cross."

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly "What do you mean that those meant to be Valkyrie will become Valkyrie?"

"Once most of our kind died, Valkyrie stopped being born. However, the gene is still there. It's just been dormant in their bodies. Those that have the gene will grow their Valkyrie wings and it will continue from there, children born with the gene will be born with their Valkyrie wings and go into training when they come of age. The Valkyrie have always been a race that you are born into, this is a very rare opportunity to be able to become one. If you have more children, there's a possibility that they will be Valkyrie as well."

"Can I ask you one more thing?" She nodded for me to continue "Did it work? Did I save Loki?"

She sighed "I can not answer that, child, as this needs to be a decision based solely on you. You need to decide if you want to do this whether you'll have Prince Loki at your side or not"

"Will I ever be allowed back into Valhalla? Would choosing to return ruin my chances of that?"

"Not at all, all Valkyrie are destined to go to Valhalla. The only way you would not be welcome would be if you were dishonorable, same as any warrior"

I nodded "Alright. I choose to go back"

"I knew you'd make the wise decision, I have no doubt that you'll make the Valkyrie proud. Good luck sister" She balled her right hand into a fist and placed that arm over her chest, bowing to me.

I didn't have the chance to thank her as I felt my body fall backwards and my eyes shot open with a gasp. I sat upright and looked around, seeing that I was in the healing wing again, but in a small dark room of the healing wing.

I looked down and noticed that I was wearing the same armor as the Valkyrie I had met. I continued to look my body over and felt the wings at my back and noticed the sigil of the Valkyrie imprinted on my right forearm. It looked like pictures I had seen of the sigil, but it had two snakes at the base of it. I got off the bed then and focused on my wings, managing to spread them wide behind me, I turned to see that they were not their normal white, but black.

I didn't have a lot of time to think about it as I heard a small gasp from behind me. I turned around when I heard "Y/N?"

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