The Next Right Thing

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Frigga was waiting for us in the healing wing and came rushing over to us when we walked inside "Good morning, my dears, where is Loki?"

I gave her a sad smile "He told us to come without him, he's thinking things over"

She gave me a smile and pulled me in for a hug "Worry not, he'll come around. Let's get you looked over, shall we?"

I nodded and followed her over to a big table where a healer was waiting for us. She motioned for me to lay down. As soon as I did, there were different colors mists that encompassed my body. Their tech reminded me of something that Tony would have and she was quickly typing away on the screen. "Interesting." The healer said and looked over to Frigga "My Queen, come take a look at this". Frigga joined her and looked over the screen, then smiled back at me to reassure me that everything was ok.

Once they were done, the mists vanished and Frigga held a hand out to me "Come, let's take a walk" I linked arms with her and walked with her through the palace. "It appears that my husband was correct, you hold the ability to see the future. We just need to teach you how to use it. You have very strong healing capabilities as well which we can also teach you how to use. Y/N, you would be a very big asset to Asgard." I didn't even say anything, I just kept looking ahead and nodded to let her know I had heard.

Frigga stopped us "My dear, I know Odin is putting a very big weight on your shoulders. This is not an easy decision to make, but I want you to know that it is in fact your decision to make. Yes, you'll have things to discuss with Loki, but ultimately, it comes down to you. I would be thrilled to have you as my daughter." She wiped away a tear that had fallen from my eye "But, I know that you have your own family on Midgard to consider." Frigga pulled me in for a hug before continuing our walk.

We stopped at the gardens and she motioned for me to sit at a small table that had been setup for us "Now, I must inform you of what exactly your duties would be should you choose to stay here. Eventually, you would be in charge of the healing wing, as I am currently. In addition, you would plan all balls and feasts that need planning. Your main job though would be to council your husband and help him in any way that you can. It's always behind the scenes, but Odin consults me on every major decision he has. Odin trusts my opinion as Loki trusts yours. I know this all sounds very overwhelming right now, but you'd have plenty of time before Loki would take over as king. You'd shadow me in that time and you'd be an expert well before he took the throne. Even afterwards, you'd always be able to come to me for council."

I took a deep breath "Thank you, Frigga, I really appreciate your honesty with me. I just need some time to think."

"Of course you do, I will leave you to your thoughts. Call on me anytime" She smiled and headed back into the palace. I got up and started walking through the gardens. It was so beautiful and had so many different types of flowers that I had never seen before. Looking around, it was easy to see myself living here. Then, I thought about Tony. About the team, about everything that I would be leaving behind and most likely wouldn't be able to see again.

Before I could think too much on it, arms wrapped around me from behind. I jumped a little until I turned to see it was Loki. He just held me for a minute, resting his chin on my head. Slowly, he turned me around to face him "I apologize for leaving, my love, I just needed some time to clear my head. How are you?"

"I'm alright, Lo, just exhausted. There's a lot to think about, it's making my head spin."

He nodded "I know. I just, I want you to know that the decision is yours to make. If you want to go back home, back to your family, I understand."

"Loki. You're my family as well. That's what makes this so hard. If I decide to go back to Midgard then I lose you, I-I can't lose you" I pulled him in tighter and buried my head in his chest

"I don't want to lose you either, Kaerasta, if going back home is what would make you happy then I will find a way to go with you."

I pulled back and looked at him in shock "You can't do that. You'd never be allowed to come back if you do!"

Loki put his finger to my lips to stop me from speaking "Let's not worry about it right now. We still have a couple days to make our decision. Thor asked if we would join him in training this afternoon, would you like to go?" I nodded and Loki led me to the training grounds. Thor was already mid-spar so we sat down off to the side to watch.

Thor quickly had the other soldier pinned and was laughing jovially. He saw us then and quickly made his way over "Brother! Sister! I'm glad you came. Come, meet my friends" Thor grabbed my hand and pulled me over to where three men were putting weapons away. "My friends! I'd like you to meet Lady Y/N"

A tall, slim blonde man was the first to come over to me and quickly took my hand, kissing my knuckles in a flirtatious way "Lady Y/N, we are honored to finally meet you. I am Fandral" He motioned over to a heavy set man with long red hair and a big beard "This is Volstagg" he then pointed to a slightly shorter, skinny man with long black hair "That is Hogun. We are the warriors three!"

Loki grabbed my hand out of Fandral's, growling at him. I shook my head and held Loki's hand in mine "It's so nice to finally meet all of you, Thor's told me a lot about you!"

"Thor's told us about you as well, that you're a mighty warrior on Midgard. But, it sounds like your biggest triumph is taming our trickster here!" Fandral clapped Loki on the shoulder.

Loki scoffed and shoved Fandral's hand off of him "I'm still more than capable of knocking you on your ass, it'd be best for you to remember that"

Thor grabbed Loki's shoulder "Loki, I'd love for you and Y/N to join Sif and I for dinner tonight. We can have what Midgardians call a 'double date'. What do you say?!"

Loki rolled his eyes and looked at me to answer "We'd love to, Thor!"

"Wonderful! Meet us outside the palace in a few hours." Thor and his friends went back to sparring while Loki and I watched for a little bit. Eventually, they convinced Loki to join them. Unsurprisingly, he chose to spar with Fandral and did indeed knock him on his ass.

A few hours later, Loki and I were walking hand in hand to find Thor and Sif. Thor spotted us and pulled Sif over "You're right on time!" We all walked to a small tavern in town and took a table in the back. It was nice to sit and talk as if I didn't have the biggest decision of my life weighing on my shoulders. I got to know Sif and how her and Thor have basically always had a crush on each other, but never wanted to admit it. They really were a great couple. As it got later, it got more crowded in the tavern and soon enough the tables were shoved out of the way, towards the wall to make a dance floor.

I grabbed Loki's hand and pulled him up with me. He hesitated at first, but soon enough he was spinning me around the dance floor and we were both laughing and smiling like children. I caught a glimpse of Thor as I was spinning around and he looked so happy watching his brother. I wondered how long it's been since Loki's been this carefree, if he's ever been. I stopped spinning and held Loki in place, looking up at him very seriously "I want to stay."

He took a second to realize what I had said "Kaerasta-"

I shook my head "Loki, I want to stay. I want you to be happy and staying here with your family and being king one day is what will make you happy. Yes, I'll miss everyone at home, but I'll have you and Thor and that can be enough until we start our own family."

Loki pulled me outside of the tavern "Darling, this is a huge decision and you need to consider your own happiness."

"I am. Seeing you here, tonight, so carefree and back in your home. That makes me happy." Loki had tears in his eyes and he was looking at me in amazement.

"You'd really do this for me?"

I gave a small laugh "I love you, Loki, I'd do anything for you."

Loki grabbed my waist, pulling me into him and kissed me with so much love I couldn't help but smile. "I love you, Y/N, more than anything. I swear, I will do everything that I can to make you happy here. You'll have whatever you desire, my queen."

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