Brotherly Love

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After healing Clint, Steve decided that I needed some time to recuperate so I was told I had two days off of training. I decided to take this time to explore the tower. I never really bothered going anywhere I hadn't already been. I knew the first 30 floors were Stark Industries offices and that the medical bay was floor 31. Other than that I wasn't too sure what else there was. I started wandering around the tower until I came across a pair of tall oak doors, I pushed them open and saw the biggest library I had ever seen. I started meandering around the aisles of books until I saw the "Norse Mythology" section. I looked around until I saw a book called "Thor: Viking God of Thunder". I picked it up and headed over to the couch that was in the middle of the library. The tale was very captivating, but I wasn't sure what was real and what was made up for the sake of story. It was at that point that I decided to track down Thor and just ask him.

Thor was pretty easy to find, he was almost always hanging around the kitchen if not in the main living area. Spotting him by the toaster I rushed over to him and hugged him from behind. He jumped a little, but when he saw it was me he turned around to hug me properly.

"Lady Y/N! You came just in time!"

"Just in time for what exactly?" I looked at him questioningly

He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck "I wanted to make this delicious food called a Pop Tart and Tony told me it tastes better when heated. I was going to use this device known as a toaster, but I'm not quite sure how to use it."

"Ah, yes. Leave it to Tony to tell you what to use, but not how to use it. I'll show you, don't feel too bad. I had to have Nat teach me how to use everything in the kitchen when I first arrived here..." I trailed off while I took the Pop Tarts out of their package and put them into the toaster. I showed him the setting to use and waited for them to heat. When they finally popped up, Thor jumped back and held his hand out to summon his hammer. I tried, but failed, not to laugh at him. He quickly recovered and grabbed his food, heading to the living room.

I followed him over and waited until he was finished eating before bothering him "Thor?"

"Yes my lady?"

"I was reading a book about you and I was curious about what was real and what was made up, do you think you could clarify some things for me? About you and Asgard that is..?"

He had a big smile on his face "Of course! I'd love to tell you about my home, what would you like to know?"

"Your hammer, it's called Mjolnir?" He nodded. "And it's only able to be picked up by you because you're worthy?"

"Aye, it is written on the side of Mjolnir 'Whosoever holds this hammer, if they be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor'" He held out the hammer for me to see.

"That's so cool. So, Odin is your dad and he is known as the 'Allfather' because he is in charge of all of the realms?" He nodded again "Right. Powerful dad you have there. Frigga is your mother?"

"She is, she the kindest and fiercest lady in all the realms. I think you'd like her! I know that she would love you. Maybe one day you'll be able to meet her"

"That would be incredible, but doesn't Odin despise Midgardians? We're not allowed into Asgard..."

Thor slowly nodded "It's true, he has an...indifference towards people from Earth. They're allowed in Asgard if they're invited. As I am a prince I tend to get away with certain things that others can not" He smirked at me

"I see, so you're a prince which means that Loki is also a prince? Am I supposed to be addressing you both as 'your highness'? Have I been insulting you this whole time??"

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