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//liams pov//

I woke up abruptly to a knock on my door and footsteps tiptoeing away.

Sliding on some sweats, I hurried to the door and on the way, checking the time. 5:19AM.

I swung open the door to see no one. I lowered my head down to the floor to see a basket.

A carrier with a baby in it and a note laid on it which said: 'Ruby Serena Payne. Birthday, 15th September. Mother, Kristen James. Father, Liam Payne. Please look after her x - Kristen'

Was this my.. daughter?

I remembered Kristen very well. We were in a very long relationship which only seemed to go up, until I had to leave to the x factor, but I had no idea that she was pregnant.

I began to panic. I picked up the seat, and switched on the lights to the living room. I sat it on the kitchen table, and lifted Ruby out of it.

She had nothing but a diaper and a blanket around her which made me feel sorry for Kristen and Ruby. couldn't she cope?

I rummaged through the pockets of the carrier, and found a few clean diapers to put on her.

I changed her mindlessly, and then found one of my old T-Shirts to wrap around her.

I cuddled her into her blanket and sat on the sofa.

I sat her on the knees and looked at her. What was I going to do?

I couldn't in a million years give her away, she's my daughter! But i couldn't go on with my job as easily as I was with a baby.

And then, Ruby began to cry.

I panicked and again, looked through the carrier to find a bottle filled with formula.

I could never thank Kristen enough for this moment.

I let out a sigh, and held her close to me.

"Hi Rubes. I'm your daddy." I smiled down at her.

I took her to my bed and laid her next to me, until I could buy her all the necessities she needed.

Ruby very quickly fell asleep, and cautiously so did I.


The next morning, I got dressed and then worried what I'd put Ruby in.

I began to think who I could go to, then it struck me.

The neighbours who lived two doors down have a baby who's like, a few months older than Ruby.

I took her in my arms closely wrapped in her blanket, and slid on some shoes.

I knocked their door and Tom, The father answered the door.

"Sorry, do you mind if I ask you something a little bit odd?" I say curiously as Callie, His wife stood behind him, greeting me cheerfully with their son Daniel.

"Go ahead, Liam!" She smiles.

"Basically, my daughter who I didn't know about turned up on my doorstep this morning and she doesn't have any clothes for today, so I was wondering if you had any old clothes you could lend us? I'll give em straight back!" I explain quickly.

"Gosh, you've had a busy morning! Sure, we have plenty of Daniels old onesies which I guess will do?" She nods and invites me in.

We sit in the living room as Tom arrives back with a Tesco carrier bag of old clothes, which had been freshly washed.

"Thanks so much! Bye!" I nod, and they wave me off.

I hurry across the road and go back into my house to dress her.

I changed her, and then dressed her in a red and navy striped onesie with a blue anchor on it.

Not girly at all, but I guess it'll do.

She squirmed around happily and I fed her again.

Once we were ready to leave, I strapped her into her seat and put it in the passenger seat of my car cluelessly, ready to drive to the mall.

As I walked in through the doors, fans and paparazzi began to crowd me as I held Ruby close, which wasn't a good idea, not bringing her carrier.

I hurried into one of the baby stores and began to look for a stroller and a crib.

I settled for a white wood crib, and a cream coloured stroller with a matching carseat, which in my opinion was quite fancy looking for something you push your baby around in.

I picked up baskets full of clothes and disinfectants, and sterilisers and all that stuff, then made my way out.

I had bags upon bags of things, and had the bigger things like the stroller, bouncer and crib to be delivered later on tonight.

Too much baby happening in my mind right now.

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