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\the day before tour\9:00pm\

"Liiiam." I hear Emily call from our room.

"What?" I answer.

"How long are we gone for? Where are we staying?" She asks.

"We are gone for about 6 months. We are on a stop and start hotel stay." I explain as she packs some things for herself once she has packed Ruby's things.

"Is Ruby packed?" I ask, glancing at the case which is shared between mine and Ruby's things.

"Yeah. I'm doing mine right now." she says as she lays down a T-shirt in the case.

"Got enough things?" I laugh as she gives a doubtful look.

"Ehh, I don't know. I've packed things but do you think I'll buy a few things? I want to keep room obviously!" She overthinks it all.

"Sure." I grin and sit on the bed with Ruby next to me.

"Ugh." She groans.

"What?" I ask.

"This is hard." she chuckles.

"I know." I nod.

//Emily's POV//
As I packed a few pairs of jeans, I listened closely to what Liam was humming.

"I'm slipping into the lava and I'm trying to keep from going under, baby you turn my temperature higher because I'm burning up for you baby."

"Liam. Are you singing the Jonas brothers?" I laugh.

"It's a good song!" He smiles and goes slightly red.

"Aw baby." I tease.

"You know, you shouldn't have left packing so late. I packed ages ago!" He smirks.

"Sorry, I didn't know! I'm a procrastinator, alright?" I grin.

"A'ight." He nods. "Can you believe it's Ruby's birthday in 2 months?"

"I know, she's growing so fast." I smile at ruby as she grins widely.

"THERE. I think I'm done packing." she announces.

"Great! We're ready to go on tour!" I exclaim as she jumps up and down.

"Okay, Let's go out Ruby to bed because she seems just a little bit tired." I smile, looking at ruby almost falling asleep sitting up.

I lift her up and walk to her room with her in my arms.

I lay her in her bed as she quickly falls asleep, without a bedtime story.

"Goodnight baby." I smile and turn the lights off in the room.

I join Emily back in our room to see her sat on her case, yanking the stuck zip around it.

"Woah, woah, woah. Emily. You're not gonna get anywhere doing that." I laugh, and slowly pull the zip around the case.

"How?!" She laughs and puts it on the floor.

"Maybe I just have the touch." I tease.

She climbs into bed and plugs in her phone.

I get into bed next to her and I wrap an arm around her waist.

"Are you ready to tour?" I ask.

"If it's with you, sure I am." she nods.

"Goodnight babe. I love you." I smile.

"I love you too." she replies as I kiss her head lightly.

We fall asleep basically in sync, ready for our first flight to Wales tomorrow morning.

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