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"Wakey wakey, Dad." Emily said in a hushed tone as I fluttered my eyes open to see her holding Ruby, who was grinning and wiggling her legs.

"Morning." I said and sat up, taking Ruby out of Emily's hands.

"She must have been really tired after crying for three hours yesterday. She didn't even wake up last night!" She smiled wide and sat next to me.

"It amazes me how energetic she is." I laughed, still quite sleepy.

I sat with the two of them for a while before getting out of bed and changing my clothes.

I put on a blue button up, and some black jeans, along with some boots and a brown coloured hat.

After I finished getting ready, Emily went to shower. She then put on makeup, and came out in a towel to get some clothes.

"You should leave your hair natural today. I think it's pretty." I grinned and she widened her eyes.

"You always say that. I don't like it, it's so frizzy." She complained and I shrugged.

"Alright." I said and played with Ruby as she got dressed.

She sat down to dry her hair and I glanced at her. She was wearing a beige tank top with some loose ripped jeans and a heavy knit cardigan.

"You look pretty." I smiled and she replied with a thank you, before going back to dry her hair.

I soon decided to go and get Ruby dressed. I dressed her in a striped navy and white top and some of those Jeggings that you could get for babies.

"You look so adorable!" I smiled and kissed her which made her grin and wiggle her legs excitedly again.

I picked her up and supported her to stand on our bed, but she soon went to crawl to her toys once more.

Emily put away the hair dryer and came over to us as she put her blonde curly hair into a high ponytail like usual.

"Have you realised its our 6 month anniversary in about 2 weeks?" she asked and I smiled.

"No way, really?" I asked and kissed her cheek.

"Yeah, it's on Ruby's birthday. 15th of March we got together." She said smugly and I raised my eyebrows. I didn't remember that.

"Aw babe." I smiled a little more and kissed her lips.

"So what are we doing today?" She asked.

"Well, I thought that we could go that huge mall in the centre of Tokyo? I haven't got a clue what it's called but yeah." I suggested.

"Sounds great!" Emily grinned as I grabbed Ruby's stroller and we got ready to leave.

I strapped Ruby into her seat, and we soon left the room with everything we needed.

We made our way down to the lobby where the car we had called for was parked outside.

I quickly made my way down the steps and then helped Emily lift the stroller down the steps.

We got into the taxi, which was bigger than usual. It must have been the ones for wheelchairs and strollers.

We were carefully driven to the mall, and soon got out, and were stood near the entrance.

"Where first?" I asked and pushed the stroller with Emily stood next to me.

"Well, where do you want to go?" She replied.

"I don't know. I think Ruby needs some new clothes so could we go buy some?" I laughed gently as one of our security guards walked behind us.

"Sure!" She grinned as we made our way to the store.

There were a few fans who were calling my name, and had their phones pointed at us, but there were no paparazzi surprisingly.

We entered the baby store and had a look around.

"Aw, Li! What about these?" She called as I spun around on my heels.

She was holding up a Small sized white T-shirt with ballet slippers printed on it, which was paired with light pink leggings and a tutu.

"Thats cute. Alright, let's get that. Ruby has grown out of next to all of her clothes so we need to get quite a few things." I explained and kept walking around the store as I pushed the stroller.

Emily soon walked up to me and took the stroller off me so I could walk next to her.

I wrapped an arm around her waist and pecked her cheek, as she grinned widely and kept looking around the store.

I picked up a few things, along with a few from Emily, and bought them.

I put them in a carrier bag, and held onto them as we went back outside the store, meeting with the guard again.

We walked to a little café where we sat down so I could give Ruby her food.

Emily sat her in a baby seat as I began feeding her her food.

"You know what I've realised, em?" I asked.


"Ruby's starting to look a lot like her mother." I said and bit my lip slightly.

"I mean, I guess so. I think she's the spitting image of you, babe." She smiled and nodded her head.

"You think?"

"Yeah, she's clearly your daughter. You can totally tell." She said, glancing at the two of us.

"I'd love for her to have a sister or brother one day, you know." I smiled and moved the spoon towards Ruby's mouth.

"You would?" Emily raised her eyebrows and smiled for a little longer.

"Yeah. I mean, obviously in a couple years. I think we've done a good job with Ruby, we're good at this parenting stuff." I laughed and she agreed with me.

"We are indeed, payno." She chuckled and watched Ruby eating her food.

"She's grown so quickly. She's already 11 months." She added.

"I know. My little baby has grown too quickly." I nodded and admired Ruby happily.

We sat in the cafe for a little longer and chatted briefly before leaving and going back to the stores again.

"Do you think one day we'd maybe.. Get married or something?" I asked and watched her reaction.

She chuckled softly and glanced down before nodding. "Well that's up to you." She teased and raised an eyebrow.

"I think we will. And I could see us with a family of our own. Not that ours isn't perfect already." I grinned cheerily.

"We do have a perfect little family, don't we."

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