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"You'll never guess what Liam just asked me!" Emily said cheerfully over the phone to her sister as I drove us home.

"Yeah! Yuh-huh! He proposed!" She grinned to herself, announcing the engagement.

"No, of course I'm not telling mum yet. As far as they know, Liam's my short term boyfriend who I've been with for two months." She laughed.

I smiled, and chuckled softly as I pulled into my parents driveway once again.

I saw the lights on upstairs in my room, so they must have been putting Ruby to bed.

Emily and I went into the house and heard Ruby's loud cries echo the house.

I hurried up the stairs with Em following behind, and I went into the spare room to see my mum stood there, rocking Ruby in her arms carefully.

"Dada!" Ruby cried at me, and I took her into my embrace.

"Shh, it's alright. Daddy's here." I said and smiled slightly as her crying softened.

Minutes later, her body sleepily slumped into my arms so I laid her in the crib, and watched her for a minute or so, and then made my way downstairs with my parents and Emily.

"So...?" My mum asked and sat us on the sofa.

"So what?" I grinned.

"You know what I mean!" She said and smacked my knee gently.

"Yes! Yes, he did!" Emily laughed and held her hand out, showing the ring.

"Oh, darling, it's beautiful." Mum muttered and gazed at it.

"What can I say, I have good taste." I chuckled and kissed Emily's cheek.

"Just like his mother." She winked at Emily.

I got up and made everyone a cup of tea, then returned to Emily and my parents in the living room.

"So, any wedding plans yet?" My mum questioned.

"Mum, we only just got engaged. Not quite yet." I laughed.

"No, but have you got an idea when the wedding will happen?"

"Sometime next year." Emily nodded and smiled contently.

"Ah that's lovely." She smiled.


"Night, mum. Night dad." I said just before opening the door to my room quietly.

I crept into the small room with Emily close behind me, since Ruby was asleep in the room next door.

She let out a quiet giggle as we edged around each other, and I shushed her teasingly.

"Soooorry!" She whispered and pulled off her clothes, and put on an oversized shirt.

"It's fine, beautiful. Hey, come here." I said quietly and sat on the bed.

She smiled and sat next to me on my double bed, before leaning in for a kiss.

"Future Mrs. Payne." I smiled widely under the kiss.

"That's me. Emily Payne." She laughed slightly and moved her hands up, holding my face loosely as we kept kissing.

The kiss began to deepen and she would occasionally laugh softly under it.

"What?" I asked and chuckled.

"Li, d'ya think its time we.. maybe.. got a little intimate?" She suggested and raised an eyebrow.

"Honey, I'd love to. Literally now. But my parents are across the hallway and Ruby's next door." I frowned and pecked her lips.

"Babe.." She said and slightly batted her eyelashes at me.

"Em, quit that." I smirked and kissed her cheek. "You're too attractive it drives me crazy."

"Sorry. Don't mean it." She chuckled.

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