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"Liam, what can I wear?! I have formal clothes that fit me anymore." Emily groaned and sat on the edge of the bed as I rolled up the sleeves of my shirt.

It was a Friday night, and the two of us were going to a wedding party.

Surprisingly, it was Anna and Niall's wedding. They had been together for around 5 or 6 years, and actually decided to get married.

"Babe, you'd look amazing in a plastic bag. Have you tried any of the other dresses you have?" I smiled and glanced at the closet.

"Now is not the time for compliments. I'm sat here in a dressing gown. And yes, I've tried them all. Expect one but I don't know if it'd be too revealing." She shrugged.

I frowned softly, and took a white long sleeved dress which ended at the knee out of the closet. "Try it on." I insisted.

She let out a small sigh and slipped off her gown, then pulled the dress over her.

"It fits you really well, baby." I smiled.

"But look at this," she said and pointed to the small slit on her thigh which revealed a part of her leg.

"Babe. Are you serious?" I chuckled. "It looks amazing."

She smiled a little, "I don't know, Liam."

"Emily, wear it. You look stunning, and if anything, that makes it look even better." I grinned.

"Okay, just give me a second to find some shoes and I'll meet you downstairs." She kissed my cheek as I left the room.

I went downstairs to Ruby, who tonight was being looked after by my sister Ruth, or to Ruby, Auntie Roo.

Ruby was playing with Ruth and I knelt down to see what she was doing.

"Hey sweetheart." I smiled a little and Ruby clambered towards me.

"I don't want you to go, daddy." She mumbled into my shoulder as I held her close to me.

I sat down properly on the floor, then looked at Ruby.

"But you're gonna have so much fun with Auntie Roo! Me and mummy have to go to this party for Uncle Niall, and I'm sure it won't be very fun." I lied to make her feel better.

"Still." She pouted.

"I promise I'll be back. Very very soon." I reassured her as Emily came downstairs.

"Okay dad." She frowned a little bit. "Love you." She added.

"I love you more and more and more." I smiled and kissed her forehead as she happily went back to playing with Ruth.

I stood up, and walked towards Emily. "Okay, we'll see you later!" I waved and blew a kiss to Ruby.

Em and I got into the car, and drove to the venue, where there was a red carpet leading from the entrance to the street.

We both got out of the car and noticed the paparazzi stood on each side of the carpet, they had clearly heard about the celebrity wedding and had to know about it.

Emily and I walked hand in hand down the carpet and into the venue, where I saw a group of tables, and some people on the dance floor.

Me and em made our way to Niall and Anna who were stood together talking to who I assume were some of Nialls family.

"Hi, you two!" Anna smiled at us and Emily scanned her up and down and grinned wide.

"You look beautiful! How's the day been?" She asked as I snaked my arm around her waist.

"It's been so so good. Couldn't have asked for anything better." Niall nodded, as he held a beer in his hand.

"And look at you. Absolutely glowing." Anna chuckled at Emily and quickly brushed her hand against her bump.

"I know, not long now." She shrugged.

"How you feeling, Mr Payne? Second time round, huh?" Niall laughed slightly.

"I'm feeling a little more nervous since I'll have been there all through the whole experience, not from like 3 months onwards like I was with Ruby." I explained.

"Well, why don't you get yourself a drink and go down to the dance floor? Harry, Louis and surprisingly Zayn are here too." Niall smirked and I nodded.

"I'll get myself a beer and shoot a few moves." I winked and went to the bar with Em still beside me, as the newly wed couple wandered away.

Emily and I got our drinks and I then walked towards the dance floor where Harry, Zayn, Louis, Niall and Niall's brother were dancing, along with a few others, who were also quite drunk.

"Mr Liam Payne everyone!" Louis announced and everyone erupted with loud laughter.

Emily's pov
I was later sat at one of the neatly dressed tables with Reina, Harry's partner, Gigi, Zayn's partner and Skye, Louis' new not quite girlfriend but sort of fling.

We chatted loudly over the blaring music, and occasionally I glanced at the dance floor, where a huge group of men drunkenly danced together.

Liam and I had been here for about 2 and a half hours now, and he was absolutely drunk out of his mind.

He would every now and again give me a little wave or nod to see if I was alright, and I would smile back.

"Emily, come up and dance!" Louis shouted and I scrunched my nose and shrugged.

"Yeah, come on love." Liam grinned and bounced to the music.

I rolled my eyes and smiled as I got up and walked to the dance floor with Reina and now Anna too.

I walked up to a very tipsy Liam and he curled his arms around me. He began swaying slightly in time with me as he gripped his pint glass in the other hand.

"Babe, chill out with the drinks." I chuckled and he laughed. "It's fine, I don't have anything else to do or go to tonight!"

He stumbled a little as we danced, and I heard the boys jeering behind me.

Liam held both of my hands in his and sung along to the song playing while laughing a little as he shook his butt.

"Nice dance moves. Really fetching." I grinned. "Let's boogie." He said and I cringed at the word.

"That's an awful way to describe dancing." I laughed and 'boogied' with him.

Even though he was a little crazy, I couldn't want anyone different. My husband was my husband, and I could ask for any better.

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