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Later that night, way after the concert, Liam and I were still up and awake with Ruby.

It was now almost 2am, and Ruby still hadn't gone to sleep.

"I would kill for just an hour of sleep." Liam grumbled but had a soft smile on his face as he held Ruby close to him and rocked her.

"Mhm." I chuckled and held my arms out, "Want me to hold her for a bit?"

He nodded and passed her to me. I stood at the end of Mine and Liam's bed, holding her close to my chest and moving my body side to side slowly.

As I felt her body get heavier in my arms, I began to lay Ruby down but she cried loudly and fought against it.

"Alright, alright. Li, maybe we should just let her sleep with us just for tonight. We aren't getting any sleep." I sighed and kept holding her.

He rubbed the back of his neck and half smiled, shrugging. "But babe, that'll turn into every night."

"We'll wait 30 minutes and if she isn't asleep by then, we let her in our bed. Deal?" I grinned and he nodded.

Liam switched with me again and held Ruby while I made her a bottle of milk.

I warmed her bottle and handed it to Liam.

"Are they usually like this at this age? Is it that, literally weeks before their first birthday, they don't sleep?" He laughed quietly and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe." I smiled and stood back as he fed her the bottle gently.

After around 20 minutes, and just as the clock struck 2:30am, Ruby fell asleep.

Liam carefully laid her in her crib, and we both slipped into our bed.

"Finally." He sighed and I smiled, wrapping an arm around him.

"Finally." I said, copying him as I rolled over and turned off the light.

"Goodnight, em."

"Night Li."


The next morning, Liam had sound check so all three of us were up and ready to go by around 8.

"Japan is a gorgeous place, isn't it." Liam muttered as he stood by the glass doors of our balcony with Ruby in his arms.

"It is. It's so cool." I laughed. "Maybe we should get going, hun?"

"Good idea." Liam replied and walked away from the glass.

We left the hotel room and went down to the lobby, where a silver van was waiting for us.

We got into the car, as it began to drive Me, Liam and Ruby to the arena they were playing at tonight.

"I'm so pumped for tonight. It'll be amazing!" Liam grinned excitedly, like a little boy in a candy store.

"I'm sure it will." I nodded.

Ruby and I weren't going to the concert tonight, Liam and I had discussed it.

We decided that it wasn't good if Ruby was at every other night, so I'm staying in the suite while they play their gig.

"Are you sure you'll be alright tonight with Ruby? It's your first time being alone with her." Liam asked nervously.

"I'll be fine. If I have a problem, I'll just go see Reina or Anna. They can come spend time with me." I smiled and kissed Liam's jawline.

"Alright. I'm just worried." He sighed a little.

"Protective Dad alert!" I laughed and smiled. "It's sweet."

I handed Ruby over to him and he sat her on his lap.

"You're so big now, aren't you." He said and kissed Ruby's little forehead.

We soon arrived at the arena, and went inside to see all three of the other boys on stage and Liam quickly ran up and got onto the stage.

"Sorry." He mouthed and the tracks started to play.

I sat aside with Ruby, Reina, Anna and Lottie while they went through some of the songs.

They were performing new songs tonight, like No control and 18 as they hadn't performed them yet.

Louis was like an excited little puppy finding out they were singing the song he wrote tonight.

"This is gonna go so big with everyone tonight! The no control project launched it, this is gonna be amazing!" He grinned.

"He's so proud of himself." Lottie smiled and watched her big brother.

"I'm sure he is, Lots." Anna nodded with a little smile.

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