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"I'll see you later, alright?" Liam smiled and kissed my forehead before kissing Ruby carefully.

He was now leaving for the concert, and Ruby and I were stay in the suite.

"Be careful, I love you both." He said with a protective look on his face.

I nodded and bid my goodbyes to him before he left the room.

I then sat Ruby down on the rug with all of her toys in front of her. I sat behind her and played with her toys with her.

"Look, lights!" Ruby smiled widely and watched her toy as it played a song and flashed.

"Yeah, look at all of those lights." I chuckled and watched her carefully as I grabbed for the remote to turn on the TV.

I flicked channels, but couldn't find anything so I just chose a random channel and turned the volume low.

I watched Ruby closely as she played with all of her toys that Liam has bought her.


"Dad!" Ruby cried.

It had been about an hour and a half since Liam had left, and Ruby was hysterically crying.

I had tried anything and everything to make her stop, but nothing worked.

"Ruby, please stop. Dad'll be home soon." I said, trying to calm her.

She cried louder and waved her arms about.

I picked her up and held her close to me, which seemed to calm her down a little, but not for long.

"Dad! Dad!" She shouted and struggled to get out of my arms.

I kept holding her and grabbed my phone, before leaving the room and carrying her to Reina, Niall's girlfriends room.

Reina was also alone in her suite next door, and I needed some help, Ruby wasn't going to settle.

"Reina, are you up?" I asked through the door as she answered immediately.

"Yeah of course, what? What's wrong with Ruby?" She frowned and welcomed us in.

"She won't stop crying for Liam." I sighed.

"Well, come sit by the TV with me, and we can distract her maybe." Reina suggested calmly and signalled for us to follow her.

I walked behind her and sat down on the floor and kneeled in front of Ruby as I sat her on the sofa.

"She's just over-tired." I said, shaking my head a little.

Ruby's eyes were red and looked droopy from the tiredness.

I laid her down on the short red sofa next to Reina and stroked her forehead.

Her crying soon settled and I smiled. "Maybe she just wanted a little change of scenery." Reina chuckled and watched her.

"Mhm." I nodded as my phone began to rang and Ruby started to cry gently again.

"Can you watch her for a second? It's Liam." I asked, and Reina nodded as I got up and walked to the other side of the room.

"Hi baby." Liam said through the phone.

"Hey honey, on your way?" I asked, hoping he would be.

"Just finished, I'll be about 10 minutes- hey, don't mind me but is Ruby crying? What's wrong?" He worried.

"Li, don't worry. She's just having trouble sleeping. When you get back to the hotel, come into Reina's room with Niall because we'll be in there." I instructed and smiled softly.

"Alright. Are you sure everything's fine?" He asked again.

"Yes. Now spend time with the boys and I'll see you when you get home alright?" I chuckled slightly.

"Alright, bye." He said and I repeated a goodbye before hanging up and getting back to Reina.

She was tracing little circles on Ruby's little arm as her eyes sleepily closed.

"Nice. Niall and Liam are on their way back here, and Harry and Louis are going to Louis' room with Lottie and Anna." I whispered and Reina nodded.

Minutes later, I heard the door creak open and Niall and Liam step in quietly.

"Hey, darlin." Niall said to Reina and kissed her cheek.

"Is everything okay now?" Liam asked as I stood up and walked towards him.

"Just fine." I smiled and pecked his lips. "Should we take her back to our room?"

He nodded silently and carefully picked up Ruby, holding her close to his chest.

"See you both. Remember, 9am in the lobby to check out tomorrow." I laughed quietly and waved as they both nodded obediently and chuckled.

We crept across the hallway into our room where Liam laid Ruby down in her crib and she peacefully slept.

Liam and I were sat by the TV on the navy blue sofa. His arm was rested around me and my head was rested on his shoulder.

It was almost silent in our room, due to Ruby sleeping and our little chats, except for the loud laughing of Louis, who was a little tipsy.

I looked at Liam and laughed quietly before he got up and frowned. "I'll go speak to 'em."

I watched him walk out of our door as I heard his creaky footsteps along the corridor.


I walked to Louis' room and heard him laughing with the others loudly.

I knocked the door and Lottie answered. "Liam!" She smiled.

"Hi Lot, can I talk to your brother please?" I asked politely as she stepped back and allowed me in.

I looked around the room to see Harry on the bed stretched out, Anna sat on the chair in the corner, and Louis stood up.

"Ah Liam! What's up pal?" Louis projected loudly.

"Louis, could you lower your voice a little? Ruby's asleep a few rooms over and y'know, she's only little. Like, go ahead and have a laugh but a little quieter?" I asked and watched his eyes focus on me.

"Sure. Have a fab night!" He said loudly again.

"Louis." I said a little sternly before waving everyone goodbye.

I made my way across the corridor and back into our room.

"Quiet?" Emily laughed slightly.

"Quiet." I smiled and went to join her on the sofa again.

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