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The next morning, I decided to get up early and go for a jog.

I got myself ready and then got Ruby ready and laid her in her new cream stroller.

I laced up my running shoes and walked out the door with the stroller, making my way to the park.

I jogged in a steady pace as I pushed the stroller with Ruby lying in it, gazing at me with a smile on her face.

While I was cluelessly grinning back at my daughter I accidentally ran into someone. I look up with an apologetic look on my face when I realised that it was someone very familiar.

"Kristen." I say, slightly in shock.

Her black coloured hair hung around her shoulders and her makeup done perfectly per usual.

"Hi. Liam." she smiles awkwardly.

"I kinda needed to talk to you." I shrugged and took out my earphones.

"Look, I couldn't cope any longer. Ruby was too much for me, I could barely look after myself, Li." she tries to explain.

I scoff and shrug again. "That's an excuse, Kris. Our daughters life was at risk. You left her outside my door for me to discover unexpectedly. You know if you were struggling you could have told me and-" I sigh.

"I know, I know." She hangs her head. She peaks over the side of the stroller and smiled at Ruby. "Hey baby girl."

Ruby toothlessly grinned at her mother, and wiggled her feet.

"You've really spoilt her!" Kristen tries to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah I guess. She needed it all." I nod. "look we should be going."

"Yeah. me too. See ya around." Kristen looks around on the ground awkwardly again.

"Bye." I hurry off and keep jogging along the pathway.

I don't want to see Kristen any more than this. I won't keep her from ruby, I just don't think Ruby needs someone like this in her life.

I listened to my iPod playlist as I jogged a little further until Ruby had fallen back asleep.

"Wow." I laugh to myself quietly, and began to make my way back home.

Today I also had a meeting with Simon and the other boys to discuss my.. discovery.

And I had to meet with my family as they obviously wanted to see me sometime soon. But they didn't know about Ruby just yet.

Once we got back, I sat Ruby in her bouncer and got changed.

I fed her and finally fed myself, until we were on the go again, this time with a car full with a large suitcase as we were staying the weekend with my parents and sisters in Wolverhampton.

I drove to the office with Ruby in the car seat next to me. I parked outside and carried her in.

"I have a meeting with Simon?" I smiled to the new receptionist and she replied with a nod.

I hurried up the stairs onto the third floor and knocked on the door.

I casually checked my watch to see I was.. 15 minutes late.

I entered the huge office to see all 4 boys huddled around Simons desk on a chair each.

I sat with them and sat Ruby on my lap.

"Liam." Simon raised an eyebrow as the boys gawped at Ruby as if she was a new creature to planet earth.

"I'm not going to tell you that you have to get rid of her, It will just be quite the..struggle without a partner and with a baby." he explains.

"I know, I know. I'll cope though, Simon. She's a quiet baby, and she's no trouble at all." I sigh.

"What's her name?" Niall asks excitedly.

"Ruby. Ruby Serena Payne." I grin proudly as they all nod in approval.

After an hour or two, we all left the meeting and the boys had all had some quality time with their, sort of, Niece. So I made my way to the next destination. A 45 minute journey to Wolverhampton.

Ruby surprisingly sat for a long time quietly and very well behaved until she had the mother of all tantrums.

I fed her her bottle with one hand as I drove with the other but she still continued to scream. I showed her her toys but I had no joy.

So I decided to pull into the closest services and lift her up out of the carseat.

I did look quite the idiot with a screaming 5 month old baby in my arms and a singing bee toy in my other hand but did I care?

As she settled, I finally finished the last few minutes of the journey with peace.

I pulled into the familiar driveway and took our suitcase to the front door, leaving Ruby in the car for a few minutes to surprise them.

I knocked forcefully, and through the window, I saw a scramble to answer me.

"Ah my baby!" My mum, Karen, hugged my tightly.

"Hi mum. Hi dad. Nicola. Ruth." I smiled and went inside.

They all sat down in the living room as I stood by the doorframe.

"What Liam?" Nicola asks.

"️Hang on. I'll be back now."

I hurry out to the car and pick up a happy, smiling Ruby.

I went into the living room where they were sitting and took a seat next to them.

"Who's this?" My dad, Geoff raises an eyebrow.

"This is Ruby." I smile.

"She's not.." Ruth says, in a very confused tone.

"Ruby Serena Payne." I continue.

"She's yours?! I have a granddaughter?!" My mum grins.


"How did we not know?" They all seemed so confused.

"Basically she was left at my door by my ex girlfriend Kristen who I was with for so long and I didn't even know she existed. Kristen didn't tell anyone so it was quite a surprise when Ruby was left at my doorstep." I explain.

"Kristen was such a nice girl though! She was pregnant when you were both.. 20? That's very young, Liam!" My mum shakes her head.

"20 isn't that young. I'm 21 now!" I laugh.

"Well. How old is she?" Nicola questions me as she holds Ruby's little hand.

"She's 5 months old." I nod.

She's passed around our little circle until she gets back to me.

"Will she be able to sleep with you for a weekend though?" My mum worries. "I can get down one of your sisters old cribs if needs be!"

"I can do that, its fine. You'll most likely fall." I tease.

She nods and laughs a little.

"Yeah. So you're grandparents. And aunts." I grin.

Ruby squirms around and chews on her little fist.

"To a very beautiful baby!" Mum smiles at Ruby and pinches her cheek lightly.

"Like myself." Ruth flicks her hair jokingly.

"More like her dad." I raise my eyebrows and flick my imaginary hair.

Doorstep daughter {l.p}Where stories live. Discover now