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"What do you fancy having for food?" Liam asked me as he arrived back on the sofa.

It was now turning 7pm and Ruby has gone to sleep, so we decided to order some food.

"Pizza sounds great tonight." I laughed softly and he nodded, picking up the phone to order a pizza.

Once he had ordered the food, he put the phone down next to him, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"You do realise how much I love you, right?" He smiles.

"I do realise." I replied and fiddled with the ring on my finger.

Liam put on The Hunger Games and we cuddled up to watch it before the pizza arrived.

Minutes into the film, the door knocked.

"Liam, would you be a darling and get the door?" I smiled softly.

"Sure." He nodded and stood up.

He shortly arrived back to the sofa with the box of pizza, and a roll of paper towels.

"You think ahead." I laughed softly.

As he sat back down and opened up the pizza box, we both went and grabbed a slice.

I began to eat it, just as I heard Ruby's familiar cries from upstairs.

Liam sighed a little and I shook my head. "Don't worry, I've got it." I insisted.

I finish my slice quickly and went upstairs to her room, where she was stood upright, clinging onto the white wooden bars.

"What's wrong, Ruby?" I asked and lifted her up.

I held her close to me as she kept crying. I tried her with a bottle, nothing. I changed her diaper, nothing. I even tried laying her back down to get back to sleep. Nothing.

I laid the back of my hand on her forehead and she seemed to feel quite hot.

I held her in my arms and walked to the top of the stairs. "Liam, c'mere." I called as Ruby cried a little more.

I went back into Ruby's bedroom and rocked her gently as Liam came into the room.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" He frowned softly and took Ruby into his arms.

"I think she has a fever, love." I shrugged.

He checked her temperature, and it was abnormally high.

"Mhm, I don't think she's too great. It is getting really late, I put the pizza in the refrigerator for us to warm up and have another time, so we should just get to bed. Did you realise how long you've been up here for?" He asked and tilted his head.

I shook my head. "No, wasn't it like 15 minutes?"

"More like 40." He nodded. "Why don't we take her into our bed again tonight and see if she feels better then?"

"Again, babe? She's gonna get attached to sleeping between us. She'll be sleeping there when she's thirty." I laughed quietly.

Liam scrunched his nose and shrugged. "It's okay, I want my baby to cuddle with me for as long as she can." He grinned.

He soon carried her into our room and I closely followed. I took off my jeans and shirt, and slid on a big t shirt, before climbing into bed beside Liam and Ruby.

"Goodnight baby." I whispered to Liam, and leaned over to kiss him.

"Night baby. And my other baby." He chuckled and pecked my lips back.

i'm back and i'm better than ever x

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