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The girls opened their eyes to find that they were back in the secret room of the library.
Fluttershy: Was it all a dream?
Rarity: If it was, why did we all have the same dream?
Pinkie: Hey everybody! Look at what's around our necks!
Everyone looked to find six faintly glowing gems around each of their necks that looked exactly like the symbols that were on their hands just minutes ago.
Rainbow: Whoa! These things are so cool!
Pinkie: Look! They match!
Twilight: Let this be a sign of our friendship!
The girls cheered.
Applejack: Shhh! Everyone look.
They looked to where Applejack pointed to see an unconscious Sunset Shimmer on the ground with a large bruise on her forehead.
Fluttershy: Oh the poor thing!
Rainbow: We'd better get help.
Rarity: Agreed.
*One week later*
Rainbow Dash laughed as she ran alongside the spirit of her sister, Misty, kicking the soccer ball around the field, and expertly weaving her way around opposing players. With one swift kick, the ball went zooming into the goal.
Ever since Rainbow had joined the Wonderbolts sports team, they had excelled better than ever before.
Rainbow: Thanks guys! I'm just glad I finally got to try out. After all that ghost stuff, I need a break.
Pinkie: You said it!
The girls all laughed, not noticing their necklaces were glowing ever so slightly whenever they were together. After the show they had put on during the battle between good and evil, who knows what other powers these size little gems held?
__________________________________There! I have officially finished my first fan fiction! For those who want more Equestrian Spirits, I will be making a sequel soon. Who knows, maybe this will be become a full on series! Well, that's all for now. See you in Equestrian Spirits 2!

Update: The sequel is out, just look up 'Equestrian Spirits (2): Shadows


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