8-Middle School Crush

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Rainbow: WHAT?
Pinkie: Yep! That you're really super duper awesome at sports!
Rainbow blinked.
Rainbow: Th-that's it?
Pinkie: Yuperooni!
She whispered to her.
Pinkie: don't worry your secrets safe with me. I pinkie promise! Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.
Rainbow: Thanks Pinkie. Your a great friend. Actually your kinda my only friend. Besides Misty and Scootaloo of course.
Pinkie: What? You only have three friends? That's sad! That's why I threw this party!
Rainbow: yeah thanks. Well I'm gonna go have fun. See ya around.
Pinkie: okie dokie lokie!
While Rainbow was walking and maybe keeping an eye out for possible ghost intruders she wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into someone.
Rainbow: oh! Sorry! I didn't mean t-
That was when she saw him. He was a tall muscular guy with midnight blue hair and green eyes.
?: No it was my fault. Are you okay?
Rainbow: J-just f-f-fine! Hehe...
?: By the way names Soarin. You must be the new girl.
Rainbow: uh...... Oh! Sorry. I'm Rainbow Dash.
Soarin: I can tell.
He lifted a strand of her hair. She blushed and just kept staring into his eyes.
Soarin: hello? Earth to Dash?
Rainbow: I-oh! Sorry! I um... saw a... spider! Yeah! Hehehe....
Soarin: o-kaaay while I gotta get going. It was nice meeting you Rainbow!
Rainbow: y-yeah you too!
After he left she face-palmed.
Rainbow: Nice going Rainbow! You meet a cute guy and you talk about spiders! What. Is. Wrong. With. You!
She hit herself with every word. Scootaloo walked up to her.
Scootaloo: Um Rainbow? Why are you hitting yourself?

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