18-Secrets Revealed

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Another little fan made reference at the end!

The next day the girls all met up in the halls to spy on Sunset. They saw her sitting on one of the benches outside on her phone.
Twilight: What's she doing?
Pinkie: She's on her phone silly!
Rainbow: Sshhh!! Don't talk so loud! She'll hear you!!
Applejack: I don't you're makin' it any better Sugarcube.
Pinkie quietly snickered along with everyone else.
Rainbow: Ok ok whatever. So how much longer do we have to sit here?
Twilight: Well we have about 35 minutes till class starts.
Rainbow: *sigh* I'm bored already.
Pinkie: C'mon Dashie, look on the bright side! The sooner we stop this shadow dude, the sooner you get your sister back!
Rarity: I have to agree. I mean, what kind of barbaric evil being would stoop to... to... ghost-napping!
Pinkie: SSSHHHHH!!!
Rarity: Oh ssshhh yourself!
Surprisingly, Sunset still hadn't noticed the girls and their whisper shouting. When she got up off the bench however, she suddenly groaned and held her head in her hands.
Fluttershy: Oh goodness! Is she okay?
Obviously not. She fell to her knees and started her shaking her head rapidly. The girls all rushed over and helped her up.
Pinkie: Omigosh!! Sunset Shimmer are you okay?!
She didn't seem to hear her. She was leaning on Pinkie.
Sunset: No... Not again.
Applejack: What are ya talkin' bout Sugarcube?
Sunset only fell down again klutching her head.
Twilight: Someone call a doctor!!
Sunset: Oh no need for that.
Everyone looked down at her. She seemed fine now although her head was down.
Rarity: What was that about Sunset?
Sunset stood up and shoved Rarity out of the way.
Sunset: FOOL!!! No one addresses me like a commoner!!
Pinkie: Hey!! Don't treat her like that! She was only trying to help!
Applejack: What's gotten inta ya?!
Sunset slowly turned around and the girls all gasped. Sunset's eyes were glowing and her pupils were slits.
Fluttershy: Wh-Wh-who are y-you?
Sunset: *hahaha* I am the nightmare.

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