6-Backround Check

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Rainbow: so whatcha guys wanna do?
Scootaloo: I dunno.
Misty: me neither.
Scootaloo: hey Misty.
Misty: speaking.
Scootaloo: What's it like being a ghost?
Misty: Well it has it's ups and downs. I mean it's fun to transport wherever I want whenever I want and to use energy to move things, but it's not so fun to have pretty much everyone except you guys completely oblivious to the fact that I'm even in the room!
Scootaloo: Oblivi- what?
Rainbow: she means no one else can see her. Except other ghosts. Why haven't you made friends with any of them?
Scootaloo: There're other ghosts too?
Misty: you don't think I've tried? All the ghosts here are too grumpy, old, or just plain mean. And the ones that aren't have already crossed over.
Scootaloo: crossed over?
Rainbow: I guess No one never told you about that huh? Well some ghosts have unfinished business here among the living and when they're done they go into the light that appears for only them to see and to go into?
Scootaloo: Whoah! That's so cool! But wait how come Misty is still here? Not that I want you gone or anything?
Misty: Well I also have stuff to do like babysitting my little sis till she's a ghost too!
Rainbow playfully tried to punch her only for it to go through her.
Rainbow: you're only older by 15 seconds!

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