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They're gone. This kept repeating itself in Rainbow's mind as the ringing continued.
Rarity: Rainbow? Rainbow Dash can you hear me?
Rainbow: Huh, what?
Applejack: You okay Sugarcube?
Rainbow: Yeah, just that my head hurts.
Rarity: Well why don't you sit down and tell us what happened.
Rainbow: Ugh, well I saw AJ's parents and then, there was this.... uh...guy... and uh... A flash! Yeah there was a flash and my head hurt and they were gone.
Applejack's face fell.
Applejack: They jus... disappeared? Are ya sure?
Rainbow: Yeah. I'm sorry AJ.
Applejack: It's alright Rainbow. But, somehow, we gotta figure out what happened to them. I'd hate for them to get hurt.
Pinkie: Weeeeeelllll..... they're kinda already dead so...
Twilight: Pinkie!
Pinkie: What!
Applejack: Oh it's fine Twilight.
Rainbow: Ok. We should probably find out what's going on here.
Twilight: Oooh! I have just the solution!
Time skip~
Rainbow: A library?
She and the other girls were standing right outside the Golden Oaks Library.
Twilight: Well yeah! How else are we going to find out who this guy is!
Rainbow: Wait, you believe me now?
Twilight: Well, I've decided to just have faith. I leaned that with Pinkie and her Pinkie sense.
Rainbow: Her Pinkie what?
Applejack: That's a story for another day. Now let's get crackin'.
Rainbow: Wait. I just realized something.
Pinkie: What is it?
Rainbow: I haven't seen Misty at all today. And if that guy took AJ's parents the what if...
Just then her phone rang.
Rainbow: Hello?
Scootaloo: Rainbow! Come quick! It's an emergency!
Rainbow: Scootaloo? What's going on?
Scootaloo: Can't explain it right now. Just hurry!
With that she hung up. Rainbow had a worried expression on her face.
Fluttershy: Is something wrong? I-if you don't mind me asking.
Rainbow: I have to go.
She ran off.
Twilight: But what about research?!
Rainbow: Start without me!
When she got back she found Scootaloo in Rainbow's room staring at the wall.
Rainbow: Scootaloo, what is it? Why did you-
That's when she saw it. On the there was something written in a strange substance. It read: No one is safe.
Rainbow: Oh.

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