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Scootaloo was still staring at the writing on the wall. She hadn't moved since Rainbow got there.
Rainbow: Scootaloo?
No response.
Scootaloo: AAAAHH!
She blinked.
Scootaloo: Oh Rainbow you scared me.
Rainbow: Sorry about that. But can you tell me what happened?
Scootaloo: W-well I was kinda bored so I came in here to see where Misty was and it just sorta... appeared.
Rainbow: Just appeared?
Scootaloo: Well more like it was running down the walls like blood. What is this stuff anyway.
She reached over to touch it.
Rainbow: NO! No I don't think that's a good idea. And we also need that in case it's a clue.
Scootaloo: For what?
Rainbow: Well have you seen Misty today?
Scootaloo: Well now that you mention it, I think I saw a glimpse of her while I was eating breakfast. I was gonna say hi but she had this blank look on her face. Then were mysterious shadows came out of nowhere and she was gone.
Rainbow: *sigh* That's what I was afraid of.
She got up to leave.
Scootaloo: Wait! Where are you going?
Rainbow: To the library to do research on what's going on.
Scootaloo: Can I come? I could help. I can see ghosts too you know.
Rainbow: Hmm, okay you can come. Oh but before we leave...
She took a picture of the writing with her phone.
Rainbow: There for evidence.
Svootaloo: Speaking of the writing, mom's gonna kill us when she finds this.
Rainbow: Hmm we could maybe cover it up?
Scootaloo: Maybe. How about-
When they looked at the wall again the writing was gone as if it was never there.
Rainbow: Whelp, I guess that solves that problem. Let's go.

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