13-Books are for More than Reading

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Btw, there's a reference from a fan video if anyone can spot it!

After they got to the library, the other girls had already hit the books.
Twilight: Where were you? What happened?
Rainbow: One things for sure, there's definitely someone behind this.
Pinkie: Ooh! Tell us what happened!
Rainbow: Well when I got home there was writing on the wall. And then Scoots here said she saw some shadows take Misty.
Pinkie: Oh no! Our new friend!
Twilight: What was that about writing on the wall?
Rainbow: Oh yeah I almost forgot! Here's a picture.
She took out her phone and showed them the photo.
Twilight: Hmm that looks something like maybe.... blood?
Everyone: WHAAAT!
Librarian: Shhhhh!
Applejack: Sorry.
Fluttershy fainted. Rarity went to wake her.
Twilight: Well I can't tell from just a picture. Rainbow do you mind if we went and had a look?
Rainbow: Sorry, but it disappeared before we got here.
Twilight: Hmm, clever.
Pinkie: Uh shouldn't we start researching again.
Rainbow: Uh, yeah.
Time skip~
Rainbow: UUGH! We've been searching for hours!
Librarian: SSSHHHH!
Rainbow: Hehe. Sorry.
Twilight: Oh come on Rainbow, there has to be something somewhere.
Rainbow: I doubt it.
When Rainbow grabbed another book, it tilted and the wall opened up.
Pinkie: Whoa! This is so cool!
Applejack: Whoa nelly. It's like a secret archives or somethin'.
Rainbow: Well what are you waiting for? Let's check it out!
Twilight: Uh, are you sure about this? I mean if it was secretly hidden like this it's probably, oh I don't know, a secret!
Rarity: I agree with Twilight. It's probably all icky in there too. It'll ruin my new top!
Librarian: What's going on over there?
Rainbow: No time! Get in!
After she pushed them in the wall closed behind them.
Everyone: AAAHH!
Twilight: Ugh! This is what you get for NOT THINKING AHEAD!
Rainbow: Hehe... whoops?

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