25-In the Libray

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Later that day~
The girls were walking to the library after school.
Sunset: So where are these books?
Twilight: In a secret compartment in the back.
Pinkie: I was the one who found it!
By now they had reached the library. They entered and went straight to the back.
Pinkie: It should be here somewhere...
She felt all around the shelves for the right book.
Pinkie: Here it is!
She pulled a book and the wall opened up once again. They went inside and it closed.
Twilight: Now where were-
Suddenly the room darkened and laughter could be heard.
Fluttershy: Wh-whats h-h-happening?
Rainbow: Oh no! They're back!
Sunset suddenly collapsed.
Rarity: Sunset! Are you alright?
Sunset slowly got up. Her were glowing.
Nightset: Fools. You've fallen right into my trap.
Applejack: Not again! Sunset, fight it!
Nightset: The only thing we're fighting is you!
Twilight: W-we?
Two red eyes shine in the shadows.
Rainbow: Come out! We aren't afraid of you!
Fluttershy: Um a-actually I'm a l-little afraid...
?: I am Sombra. King of Shadows. And it is time you six meet your demise.
Suddenly, Nightset's eyes glowed brighter along with her hands. The room got darker and everyone felt light headed.
Rarity: What's happening?
Rainbow: Everyone, you can't let...
Then everyone collapsed.

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