23-Not Alone part 2

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Soarin had just put the last bandage on Rainbow's arm.
Soarin: Ok I'm done. So what's the real reason you jumped out the window?
Rainbow Dash groaned.
Rainbow: I TOLD you! Evil ghosts were attacking me!
Soarin: Riiiigghht.
Rainbow: Ok look. I know it's crazy but just hear me out ok?
Soarin hesitated for a moment then nodded.
Soarin: Ok
Rainbow: I know it's hard to believe but- wait what?
Soarin: Ok. I'll listen. Sorry if was cold to you about that.
Rainbow: Ok so.... where should I start? Well all my life I've been able to see ghosts. I didn't know it at first until one asked me how I could see them. My sister could do it too and-
Soarin: Wait you have a sister?
Rainbow: Uuum, yeah. But she's um gone.
Soarin: Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't know.
Rainbow: It's fine. I could see her still. Until she was taken that is.
Soarin: What do you mean by taken.
Rainbow: Well not too long ago I witnessed some ghosts suddenly disappearing. There was also a shadowy figure though I couldn't make out who it was. Then my sister disappeared. Then all of them. Then earlier today we saw who did it. The evil spirit of Nightmare. A monster who possesses people and feeds off of their negative energy. She was possessing Sunset Shimmer, you know from school. Anyway when I got home my family was gone. And Nightmare came back with a someone else. She's not alone.
Soarin: Whoa. You've been through a lot. Well not trying to leave you hanging but it's getting late and my mom's probably wondering where I am so...
Rainbow: Oh! Right! It's ok I can survive a night on my own.
Soarin: Ok cool.
Rainbow: Yeah. Oh and could you do me a favor and not talk about this... incident?
Soarin: What incident?
Rainbow laughed.
Rainbow: Thanks.

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