16-A Worthy Suspect

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~Next day
Rainbow was walking down the halls at school when she spotted the girls at their lockers.
Rainbow: Hey guys!
She started to walk over to them when she bumped into someone.
?: Hey watch where you're going!
Rainbow looked up to see Sunset Shimmer glaring at her.
Rainbow: Oh sorry.
Sunset: You'd better be.
She turned and walked away. Before she did though Rainbow swore she saw her eyes flash. Oh well.
Rainbow: As I was saying, I think I found another clue on how we can save the ghosts. Yesterday, Misty managed to contact us on my computer, and she talked about how we could stop them. She got cut off before she could finish though.
Pinkie: Oh no! Why do those meanies have to take our friends!
Twilight: What did she say?
Rainbow: Well she couldn't say the whole word but I know it starts with the letters e-l-e.
Twilight: Hmmm. Sounds familiar.
Rarity: Girls I hate to interrupt but we have to get to class.
Rainbow: Right. We can talk about this later.
~Later at lunch
Rainbow: Hey did anyone else see something strange going on with Sunset earlier?
Applejack: I don't think so.
Fluttershy: N-no.
Rainbow: Cause I thought I saw her eyes flash for a sec there.
Pinkie: *gasp* I KNOW!!
She covered her mouth and looked around. Everyone was staring at them.
Pinkie: Um... I, uh, finally figured out the answer to that problem in math?
Everyone nodded and turned back to what they were doing.
Pinkie: What if Sunset is the ghost stealer?

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