21-Another Foe

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Rainbow: No. No no no NO!!
Tears were running down her face.
Rainbow: This isn't fair! What have you done with my family?!
There was nothing. Rainbow was feeling all sorts of emotions. Sadness, anger, but most of all-
?: Fear. Such a lovely feeling.
Rainbow froze. Then looked around frantically while slowly backing up against the wall.
Rainbow: Wh-who's th-there?
She was now huddled up in a corner. The voice was deeper than before and didn't sound like Nightmare at all. Rainbow looked down and saw shadows creeping towards her even though there was nothing there to make the shadows.
?: Why should I answer to you? You are filled with fear. Fear and hatred for those who have taken your loved ones. How delightful.
Rainbow: Wh-what are you t-t-talking about?! Just leave me alone!
?: Oh how I love watching you cower in fright. You will make a wonderful addition to our collection.
Rainbow: O-our?
Suddenly she heard a familiar laugh. A cloud of purple smoke filled the room.
Nightmare: Hello dearie. Miss me? I know it's only been a few hours but we just couldn't wait. You, my little medium, are coming with us.
Rainbow Dash couldn't take it anymore. She ran past them towards the door. She tried to open it only to find it locked. She banged in the door.
Rainbow: HELP!! IS
?: There's nowhere to run.
Nightmare: And nowhere to hide.
Rainbow looked around for a way out until she spotted a window.
Rainbow: 'Guess I'll have to take a leap of faith.'
She took a deep breath and ran towards the window at full speed with her arms covering her head. She heard the crash of broken glass and felt the pieces piercing her skin before everything went black.

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