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Rainbow was lounging around her room when her phone rang.
Rainbow: Hello?
Pinkie: Hey Rainbow! Pinkie here!
Rainbow: PINKIE?! How did you get my phone number?
Pinkie: Just a hunch. I just wanted to tell you to come to the school in five minutes. Oh! And bring Scootaloo and Misty! Ooh this is gonna be so fun! Did I say that out loud? Whoopsie! Silly me! We'll see ya there!
And with that she hung up.
Rainbow: Okaayy. Aunt Whirlwind? Do you mind if me an Scootaloo go the school. One of my classmates invited us there.
Whirlwind: Of course Rainbow! I'm glad you're making friends!
Rainbow: Thanks! Scootaloo we have to go somewhere! Scootaloo: coming!
Rainbow: Oh and Misty you too.
Misty appeared beside them.
Misty: Ooh this mist be important if I'm coming too!
Time skip~
They arrived at school only to find no one there.
Scootaloo: Uh where is everybody?
Rainbow: I don't know Scoots. Hello! Is anybody there?
Pinkie: PSSSST!!
Misty: What was that?
Pinkie: PSSSSSSSSST!!!!!
Rainbow: Pinkie? Is that you?
Pinkie suddenly jumped out in front of them.
All except Pinkie: AAAAAGGH!!!
Pinkie: Hi guys!
Rainbow: PINKIE! Don't scare us like that!
Pinkie: Whoopsie! Come on! I have to show you something in the gym!
They walked through the halls until they reached the gym. Pinkie slowly pushed open the doors. Suddenly the lights turned on and a bunch of people popped out.
Everyone: SURPRISE!!
A giant banner was hung that said 'welcome to Canterlot Middle School'
Pinkie: Do you like it? I put it up just for you! And I told everyone about you're special talent!
Rainbow: WHAT!!!

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