27-Humans and Animals Alike

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Pinkie jolted awake, finding herself in an alleyway.
Pinkie: Hmmm, how did I get here? And where are the girls? This is suspicious...
She started skipping down the streets humming as she went. She heard voices. She backed up and saw her friends talking at the edge of the park.
Pinkie: GIRLS! There you are! I've been lookin' for ya!
She smiled her biggest smile.
Rainbow: *sigh* Not you again.
Twilight: I thought we ditched you back there.
Pinkie: W-what? What do you mean?
Rarity: It's really simple darling.
Rainbow: You're too lame to hang with us anymore.
Pinkie: B-but, we're best friends!
Fluttershy: Oh please! We only felt sorry for the pathetic little mess you are!
Fluttershy yawned and sat up, finding herself at the edge of the woods. Her favorite spot to talk to her animal friends.
Fluttershy: Oh my... How did I get here?Girls? Is anyone there?
There was no answer. Fluttershy stood up and cautiously made her way around, softly calling out her friends' names. All of a sudden, she heard familiar chattering behind her. She turned around and smiled in delight to find some of her animal friends there staring at her.
Fluttershy: Hello friends. What brings you here?
She walked over to them, only to have them scamper away.
Fluttershy: W-where are you going?
She walked over to a little bird, slowly reaching her hand out to it. It only screeched, causing the mother to fly down, squawking angrily at her.
Fluttershy: What's going on?! Why don't you like me anymore?!
She knelt down, tears spilling out of her eyes.

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