26-Bad Grades and Rotten Apples

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Twilight opened her eyes and lifted her head from her desk. She was in her classroom at school.
Twilight: Wha- Huh? H-how did I get here? Weren't we just-
?: Miss Sparkle! Pay attention!
Twilight blinked and saw that the class was full and everyone was staring at her including an angered Ms. Granite.
Twilight: Y-yes, ma'am?
Ms. Granite: I am very disappointed in you Miss Sparkle. You have been late to class and your grades have been just terrible!
Twilight: B-but that's impossible! I've never been late to class in my life! And bad grades?
Ms. Granite: No back taking! I'm starting to think you're not taking your lessons seriously! Now, everyone, I will now give you all your report cards, starting with this disappointment right here!
She slapped the report card on Twilight's desk with a snarl. Twilight shakily picked it up and opened it.
Twilight: N-no....
Applejack found herself lying on the ground right in the middle of her orchard.
Applejack: What in the hay? How did I get here?
She looked around her and gasped in horror. All the trees were dead and rotten apples littered the ground. Suddenly, she heard a pained moan followed by slow foot steps come up behind her.
Apple Bloom: Applejack...
She collapsed and Applejack ran towards. She looked pale and like she hadn't eaten in a long time.
Applejack: Apple Bloom! Are you okay?! Talk to me!
Apple Bloom: H-how could you do this? I t-told you we needs your help with the farm.
Then she passed out.

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