15-Incoming Message

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~ Next day
Rainbow and Scootaloo was sitting on Rainbow's bed on her laptop searching for anything that could help her figure out what's happening to ghosts. Let's just say it wasn't as easy as she thought.
Rainbow: Ugh! Come on! This is possible!
Scootaloo: Is there ANYTHING that can help?
They were about to close her laptop and give up when she heard something.
?: Rainboooww. Scootalooo.
Rainbow: Huh? Who's there? Show yourself!
?: Guuuuyyss. Heeeelllp.
Scootaloo: That voice. It sound like...
Suddenly her computer screen went static. They could just barely see an familiar face.
Both: MISTY!!!
Rainbow: Where are you?!
Scootaloo: Are you okay?!
Rainbow: Who took you!?
Scootaloo: What's going on!?
Misty: Guys, please stop! I could just barely use enough energy to get ahold of you guys! I don't have much time before they find me.
Rainbow: Before who finds you?
Misty: *Sigh* I don't know! I never got a good look at them. Now listen. Me and other ghosts if the world need your help. I overheard them talking about a book that holds the secret in how to stop them! Look for books with the ele-
Suddenly there was more static and the screen went dark.
Rainbow: MISTY!
Scootaloo: NOO!
Suddenly the screen turned to static again and they could faintly see two pairs of glowing eyes. Then the screen shut off again.
Scootaloo: What the heck was that?!
Rainbow: Doesn't matter. I'll call the others. Looks we've got ourselves another clue.

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