Chapter 6

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Ailith stormed out of the underground centre the same way she went in, ignoring everyone and everything, including the claustrophobic stairwell.

Her breathing became shallow, and red stars danced infront of her eyes as she angrily found herself back in the alleyway behind the martial arts centre.

She leaned her forehead against a cool stone wall and tried to concentrate on counting.

Vaguely unaware of the footsteps behind her, Ailith found a hand on her shoulder.

Still breathing heavily, she turned towards the stranger.

He had warm chocolate brown eyes and shaggy caramel coloured hair. A kind expression was on his face.

"I'm Aaron," he said softly. "You're lucky I've had heaps of training in first aid."

He took one of Ailith's hands in his and put it on top of his shirt, where she could feel his hard chest underneath.

"Breathe with me," he said. He took deep, slow breaths. Ailith closed her eyes tried to mimic them, but it didn't help that she now knew that he had abs.

When her breath finally evened, Aaron let go of her hand.

"Well done," he smiled. "Are you feeling alright now?"

Ailith tried to smile. "It's okay. I've just had a hard week. I'm not normally so weak."

Even though Aaron had crouched down to get something out of his bag, she knew he was listening.

"Bad week, huh? You're not the only one," he replied, straightening up again.

"Take this," he said, holding out a water bottle.

Ailith's water bottle.

As she reached out to take it from him, Aaron shrugged as if reading her thoughts. "I picked up your bag for you and followed you. I thought you'd want it."

Ailith couldn't help it; she smiled and couldn't help liking this guy.

"Thanks," she said, bending down to pick up her bag.

"Hey, there's the Spring Carnival by the docks. It's only a block ore two from here."

When Ailith raised an eyebrow as she stood up, Aaron smiled sheepishly.

"I find doing something fun takes away the pain for a while."

Ailith considered his request; it was 6:30 and she had to be home by 9. But she hadn't been to the Spring Carnival since her mother died 5 years ago. Ailith remembered how much she loved it and felt a pang in her heart.

"Yeah," she smiled. "Done."


As Ailith and Aaron walked the few blocks to the dock, Ailith couldn't help telling Aaron about her week.

"... So she's turned into a wannabe Vanessa and I think she hates me."

Aaron looked at Ailith, eyebrows raised. "No offence, but that's pathetic."

"That's what Hunter said," Ailith muttered, kicking a pebble on the sidewalk.

"If she's been your friend for two years and she's upset at you for that then I'm afraid that is kinda pathetic."

"She's probably upset because of the fact that I didn't tell her and because I said her face looked like a Crayola tornado had hit it. Also probably because she tells me every little detail of her life and how I've been sorta distant for a while now."

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