Chapter 40- The Guilt Card

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Fucking five days. I don't know if this is a punishment for me or for my kitten. Before this, I didn't see her for seven days and that was living hell. Now, she is so close to me, yet so far. I know I have to be strict, I have to show her that I mean business, but it's hard, it's hard to think that she is only a few steps away from being in my arms. That thought alone has brought me to the cellar door millions of times. My heart keeps aching for her touch, all I want is this mess to be over and her warm, small body cuddled into mine.

I promised myself to not look at the security cameras. I don't want to get distracted as I watch my kitten on the tiny screen. It is as if the camera is taunting me, the camera can see her more than me.

As I finish signing a few documents and shipment contracts, a knock echoes from my office door. I check the security camera to see Leo waiting patiently outside.

I remember Leo asking me to give her her breakfast this morning,


"Boss, do you mind if I give Holly her breakfast this morning?" Leo questions, a small bead of sweat travels down his forehead. The thought of him alone with my kitten pisses me off and causes me to clench my fist, this is probably the reason for his sweaty forehead.

"Yolanda will give her her breakfast. You will finish your work from yesterday" I strictly said.

"It will only take a few minutes," Leo tries to negotiate. Why does he want to see her so bad? Is he trying to help her escape? Questions swarm my mind like bees on honey.

"Why do you want to do it so bad?" I question my thoughts. I stand up slowly as I place my hands on my wooden desk. My fingers grip the edge of my desk, holding back the little rage I possess.

"Nothing, I just want to see how she's doing considering Yolanda won't tell us" He tells the truth. Yolanda hasn't been telling me much about Holly's state. She always says, 'Go look for yourself'

"Fine, you will take no longer than ten minutes and you will report back to me right after" I give in, I want to hear how my kitten is doing. I hope she is doing well considering her circumstances.

"Of course, Capo" Leo agrees with a smile on his face. I take a deep breath and sit back down on my leather chair. I pull two sheets of paper in front of me, these papers are for a drug shipment which will be going overseas in two weeks.

*.*.*End of Flashback*.*.*

Leo walks into my warm office after I say, 'come in'

Leo walks in, he looks as if he is walking on eggshells. He slowly makes his way to the seat directly ahead of me. He rests his back against the cold leather chair and lets out an annoyed breath. His eyes look as if he saw a dead person, even though he has seen many in the past, I can tell Holly is not doing good.

"Leo" I start, I want the news straight away, no beating around the bush.

"She told me to leave the tray of food on the ground. She sounds weak and looks weak, Elijah." Leo can't meet my gaze as he fiddles with his buttons on his dress shirt.

I can't believe my ears. Why did I leave her down there?

I take a quick look at the security camera to see my kitten curled in a small ball as her food is being eaten by the bitch beside her. I divert my gaze from the food thief back to my kitten. Her body is covered with not one but two blankets, I can't see how weak she looks as her body is covered. Although, she looks cold. It is freezing down there and I am stupid enough not to give her more blankets or a warm sweater.

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