75 | tightroping the shark

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"All right, I'm gonna jump on this side of the teeter-totter and we'll just keep going up and down as long as we can," Milton told Jack from the top of a ladder.

"And I'm just gonna sit here at a safe distance and wait for the disaster to happen," Azalea said, sitting with her legs on the table in front of her drinking a smoothie, "And when everything goes downhill I will gladly tell you I told you so."

"Oooooh, seesaw!" Rudy exclaimed like a child as he exited the dojo, "I want a turn."

"Rudy, it's not a seesaw," Jack corrected him, "It's an extreme teeter-totter."

"Extreme teeter-totter," Rudy said in the same excited tone, "I want a turn."

"Rudy, this isn't a toy," Milton told him, having climbed down the ladder again to join them. "It's the same piece of equipment famous daredevil Spanky Danger uses."

"Yeah, we have tickets to go see him at the Civic Center this weekend," Jack added.

"Oh, you know, my favourite stuntman was Johnny Hazard," Rudy said, "His famous stunt was being catapulted across Mount Rushmore."

"Did he make it?" Milton wondered.

"Nope," Rudy replied, "He went in Washington's ear and out Lincoln's nose. After that he was known as the human snot rocket."

"Oh, yeah, the snot rocket!" Jack exclaimed, recognising that name.

"I love that guy!" Milton told them before turning to Jack, "All right, Jack. Let's get our teeter-totter on."

"Let's do it," Jack agreed, taking his position.

"Will this even work?" Azalea asked as Milton once again climbed the ladder, "Jack weighs way more than you. It probably won't even tip."

"Thanks, Zalee," Jack said, giving her a sarcastic smile.

"What?" Azalea asked, "You two are pretty much the same height but I don't think anyone can miss that you have more muscles than he does."

As if the universe was trying to prove her point, Milton jumped up on the teeter-totter but it didn't move an inch, "Told ya!" she said smugly and Milton tried to jump again but to no avail. And again. And again. "It's getting a little sad to watch guys."

In defeat both guys climbed off the teeter-totter just as Taylor and Jerry exited the dojo. The blonde let out an aggravated noise, "For the last time: no. Will someone please tell your friend I'm not going to go out with him?"

"We told him," Rudy, Azalea, Jack and Milton all said.

"Jerry, you are just a player," Taylor turned her annoyance back to him, "In fact, you've been rejected by every single girl in Seaford."

"I have not!" Jerry said, looking offended, "Oh, yo, Carly, you wanna go out?" he asked Carly when she passed him and she just let out a mocking laugh before walking away. "Okay, now I have."

"I have to go," Taylor told them, "I'm going to be late for my volunteer job at the aquarium."

"Dude, I don't get it," Jerry sighed when Taylor walked away, "I get rejected by girls all the time and it doesn't bother me. Why does this one hurt so much?"

"Because you actually like her," Rudy told him, "You guys might not believe this, but old Rudy has felt the occasional sting of rejection."

"Oh no, I totally believe it."

"I totally believe it."

"Pretty believable."

"Occasional, please!"

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