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Shivering in the cold Nick tugged on his coat unaware of the eyes staring at the back of his head, glaring holes as if the boy had committed such a crime of offending one of theft. Skipping past a store filled with toys the boy stopped as suddenly aware of the stares, feeling exposed under the gazes he pushed through a door and fell into a store full of wonders.

Things that the human brain could only dream of, the boy's eyes gleamed with happiness and awe. Growing up he'd always been fascinated with planes even though he'd been told multiple times that for a 7-year-old he mustn't dream too big but he hadn't listened to him, following his heart as his mother told him to until now, at the age of 36.

Men had been told to go and fight in wars, bring back medals or come home to greet their family in a coffin as if to signify their sacrifice. He was different.

He wanted to be different but many were against the idea of a young boy with a dream of flying a plane. Many were afraid of the power he had and some were afraid of how far his dreams would take him until they failed him; his father being one of them.

Ever since he was born the boy had been close to his parents more-so to his mother as she encouraged him to dream on and follow his heart while his father on the other hand knew better and had faced the harsh reality the world provided and was only keen on his son to make him proud and do whatever it took to survive.

1902 was a hard year indeed, the Revolución Libertadora had been going on for the past year but the boy was determined to make things change and he had the support of his brothers.

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