Heart stealer.

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He was on her mind, every single minute. Every single day.

She knew she was helplessly falling and fast; way faster than she liked. She loved spending time with him, talking to him, and just being with him. He knew how to make her smile and cheer her up, he knew what she liked and he was the only one who knew her best; better than she did herself.

She remembered when he got into a fight, for her. He said ''I was defending your honor'' as she had snapped back with ''I'm not a damsel in distress, Cas.'' and ''I can take care of myself.'', her heart had sped up and tears welled up in her eyes at the sight of his faint purple-ish black eye and busted lip.

He sat still as she cleaned his wounds up, and stayed quiet as she lectured him about how she didn't need him to stand up for her and that he was being a stupid idiot. She even laughed when he said he ''would do it again in a heartbeat'' not because she doubted him but because he thought she'd let him.

Of course, rumors had spread about them and people gave them glances every so often they were together. Girls glared and guys just stared, people often wondered why someone like Caspian was hanging out with someone like her but to them, it didn't matter.

They were friends, some suspected more and others said they were using each other, they knew what they meant to each other and that's all that mattered. Feelings couldn't ruin their friendship, she wouldn't want to lose what they had. He meant alot to her.

Blinking rapidly she realized she had arrived at her destination; her house.

Changing the car's gear to park, she switched off the engine, grabbed her keys, and got out. Locking the car she walked towards the door, unaware of the surprise planned inside by the boy who had stolen her heart.

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