Given up.

15 1 0

Sweat beaded my forehead as my heartbeat accelerated with each step I took, my lungs giving out with the less consumption of air it'd gotten, all the attention, and eyes were trained on me from behind me. Sliding into the nearest alleyway I climbed up the barbed wire fence and pushed myself onto the cobblestone concrete floor, racing against time and the creatures of the night. Letting out a shaky breath I climbed up a pipe connecting from the ground to the roof, moving both my hands and feet at the same pace I quickly scrambled up the pipe and onto the roof.

The wind brushes past my face, caressing my cheeks tinting them a shade of pink as the coldness left my body pleading for warmth but given none to consume. I stand tall watching as all the creatures fight to be the first to the top, I examine all my exit options 1, 2 I sigh, 'not much,' I inhale deeply as I close my eyes, knowing how this was going to end. Exhaling, I moved away from where I had come from and allowed my feet to carry me to the roof's edge, grabbing my sword. I prepared myself for the next scene that's about to come to life.

Bursting up the roof, growling at me with their sharp and bloodthirsty teeth, each of them giving me a glare of their own with a snap, everything became chaotic. One dark scared creature came at me, twisting its tail sending it flying in my direction. I duck and roll to the side missing its strike barely by an inch. I launch myself onto the creature stabbing it in the eye, howling in pain it flinches quickly sending me flying into a container.

Screams of pain and hisses of terror surrounded me, goosebumps rose to the surface of my skin as a groan of pain pushed its way past my throat and alerted my brain of the current injury of my arm, I stumble as I get up and gather all my power into my sword and growl at them, stabbing any of them that dared to get close to me.

My foot hits the concrete as I step up onto the edge of the building wall, tears sting my eyes as I know what is about to come watching as the creatures move forward as one, 8 against 1. My heart races as my palms start to sweat, my breath hitched in my throat as my legs gave out and I fall colliding with the ground, my body lay in a pool of blood; motionless. 

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